© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 4.5. Input/Edit

The overstriked grid's items have not been taken into account for the purposes of this shorter evaluation: it does not imply at all that the package cannot perform the relevant function.
The numbering and the content are the same as the full version of the evaluation grid.


Biblioscape Bookends

1  Cataloguing reference standard

2  How to recall records for editing
    1. list browsing
    2. query search
    3. while editing another record

3 Input must be preceeded by searching

Biblioscape: no Bookends: no

4 Compulsory input within certain fields

Biblioscape: no (but can set fields as required) Bookends: no (unless you configure it to work in BibTeX mode)

5 Particular edit features 
   1. copy fields and/or records
   2. symbols table
   3. term lists
   4. date stamping
   5. undo
   6. default values (session and/or permanent)
   7. validation
   8. automatic assignment of values
   9. configure edit window 
 10. other

1: no special commands; 2, 3, 4, 5
One Term table (see in Term/Entry lists).
Bookends: 1 3 5
10 : a) there is no particular "edit mode": a full record is open both for editing and display, there isn't a "save" command;
b) "Peek" command to copy data from previous or other record, from same or different field;
c) optionally replace journal abbreviation by short/full form;
d) optional autocompletion for term lists entries

6 Spellchecker

Biblioscape: yes, can define which fields are to be checked Bookends: no

7 Direct print of a record while editing it

8 Duplicate record
    1. drag-and-drop
    2. copy command
    3. clipboard (formatted: can specify style; send out)
    4. export/print on disk (also formatted; send out)

Biblioscape: no : you can have as many virtual copies of a record in different folders, but can't make a physical copy of one record, for example to slightly modify it Bookends: yes

9 Duplicates detection
    1. fixed criteria 
    2. criteria can be defined

Biblioscape:  2 (also fuzzy comparison (uses the Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern recognition) Bookends: 2

10 Editor
    1. upper/lowercase conversion
    2. cut/paste text
    3. b/e record
    4. b/e field
    5. key to delete to end-of-field

Biblioscape: yes (as global editing function) Bookends: no

11 Font editing: font, size, bold, italics, underline, super/subscript, small caps

12 Global corrections
    1. add string (b/e)
    2. locate/replace (words, case)
    3. delete entire field content
    4. move field content
    5. change record type
    6. can use wildcard

Biblioscape: 1 3 4 (here it does not have a real search/replace string function: acts on entire field; must use the Search Lookup facility + right click and Replace to change an entry, where also regular expressions can be used) Bookends: 1 2 (also any field in the records; no word, case, yes style and font) 3 4 5 6 will search for any string of text, l/r truncated (not an indexed search), no internal wildcards: m?ss

Table of contents Bibliography Index

© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 28/42