© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 4.4. Database and record structure

The overstriked grid's items have not been taken into account for the purposes of this shorter evaluation: it does not imply at all that the package cannot perform the relevant function.
The numbering and the content are the same as the full version of the evaluation grid.

Database and record structure

Biblioscape Bookends

1 Files

2 Internal database and record structure

Biblioscape: unlike all the other packages analyzed here Biblioscape is a completely relational database.
The Reference (Bibliographic) module has got main tables for bib. records, authors,  keywords, journal titles. (Any single database is made up of some 40 files: rename, for
Notes (Free text), Tasks, Charts (graphs) are separate modules, each has got its own table. Horizontal and vertical links are possible, see below.
No subfields.
(Library module is not reviewed here)
Bookends: only vertical: Database -> Record -> Fields (-> Subfields for first names and qualifications; can extract just the four digits year in a date like: September, 20, 2002)

3 Horizontal links: between databases, records, list entries

Biblioscape: yes (not between different Bibliographic databases) between bibliographic records, Notes, Tasks, Charts. Bookends: no (but "groups", and marked records are pointer to records vithout physical duplication)

4 Hierarchical links (es. thesaurus, mother/sons records, text/notecards)

Biblioscape: bib. records can be linked in uni-bidrectional way via 4 types of relationship + n custom (and comment) not in a hierarchical way; list terms cannot be interlinked in a thesaurus-like manner; Notes (free text) can be linked to any other resource (bib. record, task, chart, URL, file) and viceversa, and can have hierarchical tree among notes Bookends: no

5 Ready, predefined record structure

Biblioscape: yes Bookends: yes

6 Input worksheets for different Record types
    1. features
    2. can be modified
    3. can create others

Biblioscape: 1: 27 RT. Fields are identified by number and name in the db structure (and described in each RT by appropriate document type name); fields have got attributes, e.g.: data type (numeric, alphabetic, date, memo etc.), size, required, primary or secondary index ... ;
2 yes, attributes can be changed via external DBSys.exe utility; 3 yes.
Two edit modes-windows: 1 User defined fields, 2 All fields. In User defined only fields related to the particular RT are displayed (no more than one scrolling line per field); in All fields, any field is displayed and available for input, though dimmed if not included in the RT, Memo fields can have a large window for inputting data
1: 17 workforms/RT -all with the same fields- for books, articles, thesis, reviews, videos etc.; fields are identified by code: total number is fixed 16; fields may have got properties such as : repeatable (multiple: authors, keywords), linked to a term table, to the journals glossary, allowing specific formatting options;
2 may change name but not code or position within the entry/display workform

7 Fields attributes can be changed; can be applied to other fields

Biblioscape: yes, some within Biblioscape, some via external DBSys utility (with a few limitations: e.g. length can be modified only for "chars" fields, lookup list for data input are available only for certain fields and this cannot be modified, real multi-value fields are only authors and keywords ...) Bookends: no

8 Multiples (multi-value) fields 
   1. present/absent
   2. specific input rules

Biblioscape: 1: authors, keywords 2: separator is ; Bookends: 1: authors/editors, keywords (output display can recognize first name and other occurrences); 2 each entry on a new line (if you select entries from the list, it is up to you not to leave them on the same line)

9 Indexed fields for searching

Biblioscape: all (some have got secondary indexes for sorting, authors, kw and journal have faster indexes), almost all generate lookup lists Bookends: all

10 Record number
   1. system assigned
   2. reserved, cannot be altered
   3. user assigned
   4. allows duplicate numbers
   5. renumbering
   6. is a sortable field
   7. is a searchable field
   8. can be displayed in printed output
   9. reuse deleted numbers
   10. can be alphanumeric

Biblioscape: it acts as Ref Id, numeric primary index. Cannot be modified or reused if a record is deleted Bookends: two record numbers. First automatically assigned, can decrease if one deletes references. Second automatically randomly assigned (and will change when copied to another database if it conflict against existng one), can be modified by user. The second identifies the record

Table of contents Bibliography Index

© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 27/42