© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 4.6. Import

The overstriked grid's items have not been taken into account for the purposes of this shorter evaluation: it does not imply at all that the package cannot perform the relevant function.
The numbering and the content are the same as the full version of the evaluation grid.


1 Different ways :
    1. direct copy (write from database to database)
    2. batch import
      a) with reformatting filters
         a1) ready-made
         a2) un/modifiable
         a3) user can define more
    3. can capture WWW pages
   4. can download data ready formatted in its own proprietary format from specific data sources
   5. other

Biblioscape Bookends
Biblioscape: 2 a1) a2) modifiable a3 4. Via so called 'Internet' function, and the built-in Bibliobrowser, can capture and import tagged records displayed on the web (must select a filter): one at the time or as many as displayed on a Web page Bookends: 1 2 a1) a2) modifiable a3); 4 drag and drop from Amazon Books (DE, US, UK) PubMed, Library of Congress searched via companion free software Reference Miner; automatic BibTeX unique key generation for imported references

2 Delimited/Tabbed stuctured input ASCII text file
    1. fixed/variable number of fields
    2. fixed/variable fields position in different RTs
    3. RT can be changed
    4. multiple value fields allowed
    5. fields also on different lines
    6. can define field separator
    7. can replace delimiter if embedded in field
    8. can define end of record

Biblioscape: yes Bookends: yes

3 Can import alpha/numeric data from a spreadsheet

Biblioscape: yes Bookends: yes

4 Can import proprietary format files

5 Can import ISO 2709 format

Biblioscape: no Bookends: no

6 Can import MARC format file

Biblioscape: no Bookends: filter for tagged Library of Congress records : one has to copy and modifiy it to match different MARC idioms; built-in option for subfield code and data starting position (skip indicators)

7 Tagged structured input ASCII text file, reformatting:
   1. condition check
   2. change RT
   3. merge fields
   4. delete/discard fields
   5. field content parsing
   6. add field content, strings
   7. tolerate fields in variable position
   8. upper/lower case conversion
   9. replace text

Biblioscape: 1 in built-in options; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Can use Regular expressions: To find what text should be replaced or removed, regular expression string can be used. To use regular expression, put your regular expression string inside "RE(...)RE".
Bookends: 1 in built-in options; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9 remove chars at record, not field, level; can extract field substring (from field beginning to several markers: tab, space, letter, not a letter, number etc.)

8 Operability
    1. read range of records rather than all
    2. read one record at the time, confirm y/n
    3. handle duplicates
    4. preview
    5. log file

9 Import through Z39.50 online connection
    1. can modify import filters

Biblioscape: no (can use available Z39.50 gateways to retrieve displayed tagged records and import one at the time) Bookends: n.a.

Table of contents Bibliography Index

© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 29/42