© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 4.14. Term/Entry lists

The overstriked grid's items have not been taken into account for the purposes of this shorter evaluation: it does not imply at all that the package cannot perform the relevant function.
The numbering and the content are the same as the full version of the evaluation grid

Term/Entry lists

Biblioscape Bookends

Features in general

Virtually any field (56 available in the standard db structure, but Notes, Abstract, Miscellaneous, and Document never available) can have its own 'lookup list'. Usually (apart from main, secondary, tertiary ... authors) each field generates its own list, thus you will not find Authors in the Producers list.
Lists content automatically (when you edit an entry, then Refresh) reflects field content: they are dynamically generated. They are not separated from database, cannot be independently accessed nor shared with other db. They can be used to browse the short record list of the db, to retrieve records.  
Lookup lists are useful during data input (there are not as many as for searching and it is not customizable); autocompletion available; new entries are instantly accessible.
To edit an index entry, one directly edits the entry in the list via dedicated find/replace function where Regular expressions can be used.
Only authors and keywords can really handle repeated values as separate strings, e.g.:
Keywords: water pollution; fire produces two entries in the list, whilst: Place of publication: Rome; Florence still produces one single entry in the list.
No alphabetic scrolling at all, must use mouse; A/D sorting on entries or related document counter

One Term table: accessible from any field. The list is made up of terms, and their possible abbreviations, grouped by category. Abbreviation and category serve as terms filter. Only the term is inserted in the field. Can be imported and exported as tabbed delimited file.

One Journal list : each title on a line, three possible values, import/export as tab delimited file. Only useful in output.

Features in general

Indexes : four built-in indexes (called: "term lists") directly linked to fields content : authors, editors, keywords, journals. Any other field can generate its term list upon user's choice
Predeterminated structure. Each one exclusively belongs to the field that originates it, thus authors and editors are separate files. Indexes content automatically reflects field content, can host unlinked entries only as long as you do not update the list. They are not separated from database, cannot be independently accessed nor shared with other db. They can be used to browse the short record list of the db in two situations: 1) select "Utilities" --> Term Lists; 2) while editing/browsing (no different mode) a record, i.e.: a) a full reference is displayed, b) the relevant term list button is pressed, c) the brief view of records connected to that entry is activated; thereby can swiftly change list.
They are useful during data input; autocompletion available; new entries are instantly accessible.
To edit an index entry, one must edit one record or more via global replace: no direct access to the entry in the list.
Terms lists: Journal Glossaries are just term lists and not indexes at all. Their structure pattern is: "Abbreviation | Short Name | Full Name"
While editing, the abbreviation can be replaced by either short or full name. In formatted output can choose short or full form. As external tables they are shared among databases, do not reflect fields content, are edited separately.
Remarks : alphabetic scrolling and autocompletion are efficient. In general lists's structure is stiff: cannot import, share -either between databases and fields-, or host independent entries. 1:1 unmodifiable relationship between field and index is not at all an advantage, though theoretically logic, see e.g. authors and editors.

1 Fixed number

Biblioscape: ca 56 (some cannot be included) Bookends: no 4 + any other field based + n journal glossaries

2 Lists' content is automatically derived from db data, or can contain external data

Biblioscape: only derived, as far as the lookup lists are concerned. Term table and Journal name list can import/export text tab delimited files. Bookends: only derived as far as the 4 built-in lists are concerned. Journal glossaries are independent and host their own data

3 Lists are physically separated from database

Biblioscape: no the lookup lists. Term table and Journal name list can be copied and used by other db. Bookends: no as far as the term lists are concerned, yes the Journal glossaries

4 Lists reflect records content in real time

Biblioscape: yes (Refresh if edit an entry) Bookends: yes

5 Lists can be directly edited

Biblioscape: kind of:  via dedicated find/replace function Bookends: no, only Journal Glossaries

6 When list entries are edited, records content change

Biblioscape: yes, see above Bookends: no, must perform global change

7 New entries are validated (go list, e.g.: new, old, probably a duplicate)

Biblioscape: no Bookends: no

8 List entry can contain its own supplementary data: note, abbreviation, date, compiler, x-refs

Biblioscape: no, only term Table and Journal List may have other values for each entry, see above Features in general
Bookends: no, only Journal Glossaries may have up to three forms for each entry, see above Features in general

9 Lists can be printed

Biblioscape: yes, use mouse right click on the list and save it as Excel or text file Bookends: yes, first save a text file

10 Import external data into the lists

Biblioscape: no the lookup lists, yes the Term table and the Journal lis Bookends: no

11 Lists are useful for input

Biblioscape: yes Bookends: yes

12 Lists are useful for searching

Biblioscape: yes Bookends: yes

do not start from the Search/Find window, but either select "Utilities" --> Term lists, or: when a full reference is displayed, press the relevant term list button (for the four built-in lists), activate the "disclosure triangle" : the brief view of records connected to that entry is shown; can thereby directly switch to another list

13 Lists are useful for output

Biblioscape: only Journal list Bookends: only Journal Glossaries

14 List entries show total number of related documents

Biblioscape: yes Bookends: yes

15 Lists can be shared among different db

Biblioscape: only Term table and Journal list if copied to different folder Bookends: no, only Journal Glossaries

16 How lists are created and updated:
   1. input: new entries automatically update the list
   2. ad hoc command to edit lists out of records
   3. import
   4. as a text file out of the program

Biblioscape: 1 2; 3 and 4 as far as Term and Journal lists are concerned  Bookends: 1 2 only as far as Journal Glossaries are concerned

17 How lists are printed
    1. from the outside, as text file
    2. from the inside, by ad hoc printing function

Biblioscape: 1 2 as far as Term and Journal lists are concerned  Bookends: 1

Table of contents Bibliography Index

© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 37/42