2.3. Input - Edit 


EndNote EndNoteWeb


EndNote EndNoteWeb
Input - Edit Input - Edit       

1 - Cataloguing reference standard:
no bibliographic standard is adopted or chosen, by default, or in a mandatory way

2 - Compulsory input within certain fields

En: 2: no, some of the fields are system controlled (e.g. Last Updated, Date created, RN) EW: no (it does not require author or year anymore)

3 - Particular edit features :
   1. table for symbols, letters with accents and diacritics
   2. term lists  (see: Term/Entry lists)
   3. default values (session and/or permanent)
   4. validation 
   5. autocompletion
   6. style formatted text in any field
   7. other

Particular edit features 1 2 3 4 5 6
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1: no table available built-in, but already Unicode compliant, can use Symbol table from within a reference; under Windows can activate Charmap.exe and copy or drag characters;
2: yes open any Term list from any field
4: marks in red new list terms; 
5: can suggest closest list's term (autocompletion); 
6: can also paste styled text (italics etc.) from other application into EndNote record
7: any record can be edited on the fly in Quick Edit mode without the need to open and close the reference
EW: 6: supports formatted text (bold, italics, underlined, sub/superscript) in any field

4  - Spellchecker

En: yes
check the highlighted text or the entire reference; can add/import words and use a different dictionary (up to 18 .TLX dictionnary files available; offers options)

EW: no

5 - Duplicate/copy a record 

En: yes (automatically gets another record number) EW: no

6 - Duplicates detection
    1. fixed criterion
    2. custom criterion

En: 2: can use up to 15 fields to compare, exact match or ignore punctuation [sic: e.g. '/' or ' - ' are not punctuation marks] and spacing; option to automatically discard duplicates within online search results EW: 1 fixed and hidden Input - Edit

6.1 - Duplicates correction
    1. you open the found duplicates and edit them without side-by-side comparing
    2. duplicates are opened in Edit mode, side-by-side and you can edit them and skip/retain (the differences are highlighted)

En: 2: yes, but the differences are not highlighted, you've got to spot them EW: n.a. .Input - Edit

7 - Global corrections  
      1 - replace text : a) selected fields or any, b) word match, c) case, d) wildcards, e) insert special characters, f) alert prior to changing, g) undo
      2 - delete text
      3 - add text (in front / after)
      4 - clear/overwrite entire field content
      5 - change entire field
      6 - move field content to another field
      7 - change record type

En: yes

  1. Edit | Change Text : a) b) c) e) <tab>, <CR> f) ;
    capitalization is tricky: see En Help
  2. Edit | Change Text : to delete put nothing in the replacement string
  3. Tools | Change & Move fields
  4. Tools | Change & Move fields
  5. Tools | Change & Move fields
  6. Tools | Change & Move fields
  7. Edit | Change Text
EW: none

Input - Edit

Input - Edit

EndNote EndNoteWeb (web based)
Input - Edit Input - Edit       

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