© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 3.3. General


Library Master Procite EndNote Reference Manager Papyrus

1. Available functions: summary
   1. Search
   2. Remote search (Z39.50)
   3. Print
   4. Export
   5. Sort
   6. Input/Cataloguing
   7. Global corrections
   8. Import
   9. Reformatting during import
   10. Input via catching www pages
   11. Manuscript formatting (also from within the wp)
   12. Managing term lists
   13. Thesaurus
   14. Duplicates detection
   15. Circulation (Loans)
   16. Can activate external files and applications (OLE or OS' Shell)
   17. Compute
   18. Graphic files management
   19. Other

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 (not from within the wp) 12 14 16

As for 15: a "Library Catalog" database structure is also available, with fields for borrower's name and due date. You can search and print a report for overdue items, but there are not circulation procedures, or the relationship between bibliographic records and borrowers' records

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 OLE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 16 18 19

For Palm OS devices functionality see Identity card

18: can include graphics in references, as thumbnails when record is opened; graphics will be referred to in MS-WORD formatted manuscript, also containing dedicated list of figures (see section 13); can also include objects like spreadsheets or presentations documents; each db record can contain only one figure or object; dedicated record fields and edit command to store graphics / objects and the relevant captions; copy of the graphics / objects files is stored in a db subdirectory; graphics / objects cannot be exported; 19 can send data to a data visualization tool for statistical analysis (i.e. RefViz¨ http://www.refviz.com/ )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 16 (OLE)
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 (not from within the wp) 12 13 14 16 18 [can display and export PICT format images within records]

2. Internal database management
   1. Create
   2. Rename
   3. Copy
   4. Delete
   5. Undelete
   6. Rebuild
   7. Save
   8. Compress (release space)
   9. Record undelete
   10. Revert global corrections
   11. Statistics

LM: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 (as 6) Pr:
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 (as 6)

6 Rebuild makes a copy and releases disk space; retains Groups and Stopwords of original database, but removes its Record list's configuration

1 (3 and 8 through 6 recover) 6 7
1; 4 (not reversible); 6; 7; 8 (as 6); 11

6 rebuild does not need to make a copy, releases disk space, it retains Reference Indexes (Groups) and brief record list configuration
11 File Properties gives in addition to standard properties : sort criterium and order (A/D), character set sort, total record number, total number of entries for authors, kw, periodical titles and dates, highest RefID

1 6 11

3. Functions across different databases
   1. search
   2. print
   3. global corrections
   4. duplicate detection
   5. manuscript formatting

LM: none Pr: 5 En: 5 (while formatting a manuscript via CWYW or Add-in) RM: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5
to use multiple database, sort criterium and order must be the same; can print and search across 15 database and display -not use- combined term lists
Papyrus: none

4. Database subsets
    1. retrieved records
    2. highlighted records
    3. marked records
    4. virtual sets
    5. imported set
    6. duplicate set

LM: 1 3 (not across sessions) 4 5 6 Pr: 1 2 3 4 ("groups") 5 6 En: 1 2 5 6

n.b. no marked records

RM 1 2 3 (not across sessions) 4 ("reference indexes") 5 6 Papyrus: 1 2 4 5 6

5. Other library functions
   (e.g. acquisitions, periodicals control, circulation, statistics)
    1. built-in
   2. can integrate

LM: no Pr: no En: no RM: no

just a few statistics, see above 11 in Internal db management

Papyrus: no

6. Data type that can handle
   1. textual (also ANSI table chars 128-255)
   2. numeric
   3. graphic
   4. sound

LM: 1 2 3 OLE; 4 OLE

can format, sort and search in a special way : dates, call numbers, names, references to literature sources

Pr: 1; 3 OLE; 4 OLE

2: can format and sort Dates and Call number in a special way: for dates, chronological value underneath format; for classification codes: first LCCN, then DDC, then digits, then letters

En: 1; 3 and 4 external via Windows Shell RM: 1; 3 OLE; 4 OLE Papyrus: 1;

[2 recognizes numeric value of fields but does not compute]; 3 can display, print export graphics within records (as long as PICT representation is included in original graphic), other format files can be linked via external applications; 4 via external applications

7. Command macros

LM: no

they were available in the DOS version

Pr: no En: no RM no Papyrus: no

8. Mouse
    1. right click
    2. drag-and-drop

LM: 1 2 for input worksheets design Pr: 1 2 En: 1 2 RM 1 2 Papyrus: 2

Table of contents Bibliography Index

© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 8/42