© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 3.1. Identity card

Identity Card

Identity card

Library Master Procite EndNote Reference Manager Papyrus
Library Master Balboa Software ProCite EndNote Reference Papyrus
Library Master

For any address data (various URLs, email, telephone, fax, discussion list) relating to the Producer and its products, make reference to the basic web URL: http://www.balboa-software.com/

Producer: Balboa Software, Toronto (ON, Canada);
Product considered: Library Master v. 4.15 Windows, single user version, published 2003;
-single user: yes, Price: ca $US 250 + shipping (educational, student, upgrade discounts available)
-standalone read-only database: yes, -language (menu, manual, help): English; in other languages: no;
-demo: yes, (trial version's cost can be deducted when purchasing the full edition)
-network: yes (not tested): 5 Users ca $US 750, 10 users ca $US 1375;
Assistance: yes, e-mail technical support
Distributor(s) in Europe: no
Repository for import filters, outputs styles, FAQs : yes
Discussion list: yes; List's archives: no

CPU Processor: 80486 (Pentium recommended);
OS: Windows 95, 98, 2000, Windows NT workstation 4 or higher
RAM: 8Mb minimum, 16Mb if Windows NT
Hard disk space: 10Mb minimum
Additional hardware: keyboard, mouse, monitor (800x600), CD ROM drive
Additional software: to use the "manuscript function" to cite references in a document see the section 13 Manuscript formatting
to launch a web connection on URLs: a Web browser (the default web browser can be specified via the Preferences)
Number of databases: unlimited
Number of databases simultaneously open: unlimited (cannot be searched simultaneously)
Number of records per database: 2 million
Number of characters per record: 65000, variable length
Number of characters per field: 65000, variable length (author, keyword and periodical are indexed fields each with an unlimited number of entries of up to 245 characters per entry)
Number of record types and input worksheets: 50 (can create extra)
Number of fields: max 65 (all of variable length) (can modify names, position, attributes, can create extra)
Number of indexed fields: max 20 (indexes speed up searches end function as "authority" lists during data entry; also)
Number of citing styles for output: more than 130 shipped (can create more)
Number of import filters: 65 shipped (can create more)
Length of indexed key: 245 chars
Number of search/input indexes/lists: 11 preconfigured indexed fields (authors, kw, journals etc.), can define more or de-index these
Index total size: undefined
Number of entries per list: undefined


For any address data (various URLs, email, telephone, fax, discussion list) relating to the Producer and its products, make reference to the basic web URL : http://www.procite.com/

Producer: ISI ResearchSoft Carlsbad, CA (US)
Product considered: ProCite v. 5.0.3 Windows single user version (October 2003); ProCite v. 5 Power Macintosh
(cross compatibility between the two versions without need to convert database);
single user: yes; Price: ca $US 400 + handling and shipping (volume discounts and educational prices available, e.g.: students ca $US 110)
standalone read only database: no;
-language (menu, manual, help): English; -in other languages: no;
demo: yes, via Internet, fill out a form;
network: yes (read-only; not tested); for 5 users ca $US 1.400;
Assistance: yes, e-mail and technical support web searchable database
Distributor(s) in Europe: yes, in several countires, check their list
Repository for conversion utilities, Z39.50 connection files, import filters, output styles, FAQs: yes
Discussion list: yes; List's archives at: Adeptscience since April 1995
Indiana University since 1992

CPU Processor: 80486 (Pentium recommended); Mac: Power Mac (120Mhz recommended)
OS: Windows 95, 98, NT4 or higher; Mac: Apple Mac Syst. 7.5.5
RAM: 16Mb (32Mb recommended)
Hard-disk space: ca 30Mb
Additional Hardware: Mouse + Monitor (SVGA) 800x600 + CD-ROM drive
Additional Software: MS Word for Windows 7.x, 97, 2000; Mac: 6, 98; Corel WordPerfect 7.x, 8.x, 9; Netscape or Internet Explorer to capture HTML pages
Number of databases: undefined
Number of databases simultaneously open: undefined
Number of record per database: unlimited, max 100.000 (recommended)
Number of characters per record: undefined
Number of characters per field: 32.000 (variable length)
Number of record types and input worksheets: 39 + others user definable
Number of fields: max 45 (all of variable length)
Number of citing styles for output: ca 620 + others user definable with no limitations
Number of import filters: hundreds + others definable via Biblio-Link + direct export from several databases
Length of indexed key: 255 chars
Number of search/input indexes/lists: 4 predefined + other user definable
Index size: undefined
Number of entries per list: undefined

For any address data (various URLs, email, telephone, fax, discussion list) relating to the Producer and its products, make reference to the : basic web URL: http://www.endnote.com

Producer: ISI ResearchSoft Carlsbad, CA (US)
Product considered: EndNote Win: Windows version 7 published June 2003;
EndNote Mac: Macintosh version 7 published August 2003;
cross compatibility between MacIntosh and Windows versions without need to convert database, also within a multi-platform network.

The two versions work in the same way, but the Mac has got only MS-Word X for OS X compatibility as far as manuscript formatting is concerned and one different menu bar option (you can also create a formatted bibliography for any RTF-rich text format document as a separate document) 

Both Windows and Macintosh editions can be synchronized with Palm devices (Palm OS) belonging to Tungsten, Zire, m series (N.B. Not just Palm OS powered handheld devices).

The Palm version is not EndNote on the Palm. It is a small application to make your references available away from your main computer, with limited editing capacity. It has no: change reference types; CWYW manuscript formatting; scan paper; Z39.50 searching; print; import; export; changing styles, etc. You can make simple changes to references such as adding records and data, and do very simple searching.
Adding notes is done in an independent entry window instead of in a separate field, this is a Palm standard. The field information will be plain text when it is synchronized back to the PC.

-single user: yes, ca $US 300 (handling and shipping not included); $US 240 if downloaded from the webstore (no printed manual included, manual as PDF file); (US and Canadian students: ca $US 110)
standalone read-only database: no
-language (menu, manual, help): English; in other languages: no
demo: yes, via Internet, fill out a form network: yes (read-only) requires license adequate to total number of concurrent network licenses
Assistance: yes, e-mail, technical support web searchable database, by phone (pay for the call) 
Distributor(s) in Europe: yes in several countries (check the list)

Repository for conversion utilities, Z39.50 connection files, import filters, output styles, FAQs: yes
Discussion list: yes; List's archives (since May 2000)

CPU Processor: Win: PC Pentium or compatible
Mac: PowerPC G3
OS: Windows ME/2000/XP or higher (not tested or supported under Win 95 or 98)
Mac: OS X 10.1.5-10.2
RAM: Win 16 Mb ; Mac 64
Hard-disk space: Win 50 Mb ; Mac 62 Mb
Additional Hardware: Mouse, Monitor, CD drive, Internet connection to exploit remote searching (Z39.50 etc.)
Additional Software: For manuscript formatting, via CWYW: Win: MS Word for Windows 97/2000/XP; Mac: MS Word X (N.B. only this choice); via Add-in: Win: Corel WordPerfect 9 (2000), 10 (2002); both versions: via scanning an RTF file: any software that can produce RTF files;
any Internet browser
Number of databases: undefined (limited only by the storage capacity of the system)
Number of databases simultaneously open: undefined (limited only by the memory limitations of the system)
Number of records per database: 32,767 record numbers or 32Mb hard-disk space, whichever comes first.

Record numbers are system controlled and cannot be reused. So if you import and/or delete many records in your database, the thing to look for in your library is not the total number of records, but the last record number EN assigned

Number of characters per record: 64.000
Number of characters per field: 32.000 (variable length; average: e.g. URL has got lower limit)
Number of record types and input worksheets: 25 + 1 Generic + 3 empty
Number of fields: max 40: 32 + 6 user definable (all of variable length) + 1 record number + 1 record type
Number of citing styles for output: > 1.000 + can define others with no limitations: each is a separate file
Number of import filters: ca 440, can define others with no limitations: each is a separate file
Number of Z39.50 connection files: ca 600, can define others with no limitations: each is a separate file
Length of indexed key: 253 chars
Number of search/input indexes/lists: custom defined up to max 31 for any library
Index size: undefined
Number of entries per list: undefined
Reference Manager:

For any address data (various URLs, email, telephone, fax, surface) relating to the Producer and its products, make reference to the: basic web URL: http://www.refman.com/

Producer: ISI ResearchSoft, Carlsbad CA (US)
Product considered: Reference Manager version 10 Windows, single user version, published 2001;
   single user: yes, Price: ca $US 400 + handling and shipping (educational prices available, e.g. students: ca $US 110); buy download version via Internet: ca $US 275
-standalone read-only database: no;
-language (menu, manual, help): English;  in other languages: no;
-demo: yes, download via Internet;
   network: yes (not tested), with workstation installation 5 User Network License ca $US 1.400, or concurrent use;
Assistance: yes, e-mail technical support + pay phone call
Distribution in Europe: yes
Repository for Z39.50 connection files, import filters, outputs styles, FAQs : yes
Discussion list: yes; List's archives (since February 2001)

CPU Processor: Pentium
OS: Windows 95 or higher, Windows NT4 or higher
RAM: 16Mb minimum
Hard disk space: 25Mb minimum
Additional hardware: Keyboard, mouse, monitor (SVGA) 800x600, CD ROM drive
Additional software:
to use the "manuscript function" to cite references in a document: MS Word for Windows 97, 2000, XP; Corel-WordPerfect 8, 2000, 2002;
to launch a web connection on URLs: a Web browser (the default web browser can be specified via the Setbrows.exe file)
Number of databases: unlimited
Number of databases simultaneously open: 15 (can be searched simultaneously etc.)
Number of records per database: unlimited (100.000 recommended)
Number of characters per record: unlimited
Number of characters per field: unlimited, variable length (author keyword and periodical are indexed fields each with 255 chars limit per each of the 255 entries allowed)
Number of record types and input worksheets: 35 (cannot create extra)
Number of fields: max 37 (all of variable length) (can modify names and position but not attributes, cannot create extra)
Number of citing styles for output: some 730 shipped (can create more with no limitations, see list on the web site)
Number of import filters: some 280 shipped (can create more with no limitations, via IFE Import Field Editor)
Length of indexed key: 255 chars
Number of search/input indexes/lists: 3 predefined lists (authors, kw, journals) + 1 generic "Phrase" list
Index size: undefined
Number of entries per list: undefined
Product considered: Papyrus version 8.0.10 Macintosh;
(cross compatibility with version 7.0.16c DOS still available); No longer updated

Producer Research Software Design, Portland, OR (US) see basic web URL: http://www.researchsoftwaredesign.com/
Other versions: standalone read-only: yes;
-language (menu, manual, help): English; in other languages: no; demo: yes, free and fully working up to 200 records; network: no (see further on)
Assistance: e-mail: support@rsd.com
Price: free: full version  via Internet download;
Producer: Research Software Design, 617 SW Hume Street, Portland OR 97219-4458 (U.S.A.) 503-796-1368, fax 503-452-8920 e-mail: info@researchsoftwaredesign.com
Repository for sources, utilities; Users' contributions; Miscellaneous; Update formats and converters: at their WWW site
Discussion list: yes List's archives 
CPU Processor: any Macintosh (68K or PPC)
OS: MacOS >= 7.0 not OS X (extensive use of Drag & Drop; communication via Apple Events with word processors and spellcheckers; Balloon Help; WorldScript-savvy)
RAM: 4 Mb
Hard-disk space: ca 10 Mb
Additional Hardware: Monitor (any)
Additional Software: MS Word for Macintosh 5, 6, 98; Corel-WordPerfect 3.x; Nisus Writer 5.x; any word processor that can read: text, RTF, TeX/LaTeX format files; a Web browser
Number of databases: unlimited on a single user's computer, otherwise 4 limited by single license, for more see above: Site license
Number of databases simultaneously open: 1
Number of records per database: unlimited (16 million ...)
Number of characters per record: unlimited (32,000 characters per field...)
Number of characters per field: 32,000, variable length (up to 1,000 authors and 4,000 keywords)
Number of record types and input worksheets: 16 (can create extra)
Number of fields: 59 built-in (variable length), cannot modify them but can create extra
Number of citing styles for output: ca 100 + others user-definable with no limitations
Number of import filters: ca 150 (new ones continuously added on users requests) + others user-definable
Length of indexed key: ca 240 chars
Number of search/input indexes/lists: 3 predefined lists (authors/editors, kw, journals) + 1 generic "Glossary" + index for any "whole-indexed" field (either predefined - Publisher, City- or user-defined);
Index size: undefined
Number of entries per list: undefined

Table of contents Bibliography Index

© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 6/42