© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 3.2. Install

Installation and start

1 Installation
   1 Guided
   2 Uninstall

Library Master Procite EndNote Reference Manager Papyrus
LM: 1 2

can choose default directories and change afterwards from within; find uninstall utility in a subdirectory

Pr: 1 2

1 can choose default directories and change afterwards from within; 2 via external file _uninst.exe

En: 1 2
check for updates online

1 after installation can change default directories from within; 2 via external file unwise.exe

RM: 1 2

will not automatically install over the RefMan 9 folder;
2 via external unwise.exe

Papyrus: 1; 2

1 can choose application folder location during installation, and can change folders afterwards from OS ; other directory paths [e.g.: files to import, documents to process] are remembered from session to session); 2 Uninstall by deleting application folder; program makes no changes to system folders

2 Password
   1. access to database
   2. specific tasks
   3. specific files
   4. specific fields

LM: 1, 2 three levels : read only, edit, all functions, 3 access to specific folders in the network version

the use of userid and password is optional; userid and password are case sensitive

Pr: none En: none RM: none

network will require password to be accessed: rights for the RM network version are connected to that password

Papyrus: 2
i.e.: 2 levels of access codes for 3 kinds of tasks: a) adding b) editing c) changing database settings

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© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 7/42