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11 Sort |
Library Master | Procite | EndNote | Reference Manager | Papyrus |
11.1 Scope |
LM: 1; 2; 1 and 2 are different but can overlap | Pr: 1; 2; 1 and 2 are different but can overlap | En: 1: one criterium by default that can be altered; 2 sort the db (or a subset) to export or print (sort specifications within the style will not be used); each citation style has got its sort orders for the bibliograpic list and manuscript in-text citations | RM: 1 this is the criterium for the
report output as well; 2 wp manuscript bibliography list and in-text citations have their own sort order
(e.g. bibliography list only supports Citation order and Author/Date) |
Papyrus : 1 (limited: RN or author) or Group of records; 2: Group of records |
11.2 Basic sort
criterium for characters: |
LM: 1; can ignore case and accents and leading words as defined in a customizable list; call numbers -Dewey and LC classification- have special sorting; numbers are tretaed as numbers, not text | Pr: 1; 2 internal
regional tables
Leading punctuation is always ignored. Apart from Dates and Call Number digits are still letters. 2 stopwords list available see below Changing sort criterium / table, requires database rebuild; LC Call/Classification and Dewey numbers are taken into account and sorted before digits and letters; Dates are converted into an internal format and sorted consequently |
En: 1 Windows active table for output list. Leading blanks and punctuation is always ignored; default sort (author-year) has got its own -hidden- criterium; two stopword lists available (see below) | RM: 1; 2 internal regional tables; can also set "Character set sort
" where letters with diacritics are sorted at
the end
Leading punctuation and articles are never ignored. Digits are still letters apart from Dates and RN |
Papyrus: 1; 3: special provision for vowels with umlaut + names with different display form can have same sort form; leading punctuation and English, French, German articles are ignored |
11.3 Sort keys on different levels |
LM: yes, up to 5 levels (each A/D) | Pr: yes, 2 or 3 levels, 6 levels (each A/D) levels for custom sort order | En: yes, 5 levels (each A/D) for db list sort, each style has got its sort order based on 5 predefined criteria + 1 custom (5 levels each A/D) | RM: yes 3 levels (each one A/D) on any field | Papyrus : yes, any field -on n levels- under user's control; descending order only for year |
11.4 How to sort the database | ||||
- default sort order (that can be used also for the short record list) is based either on a sort file or on up to five levels - in the short record list : pull down menu option or mouse click on an indexed field (descending order not available); - to sort on the fly the whole database on non indexed fields, mouse click on the short record list field name you get a temporary different sort order (sorted snapshot), where descending order is available by re-clicking the name bar |
Pull down menu option with 7 + 1 custom order (up to 6 levels A/D) or mouse click on the short record list field name bar to sort (A/D and more options are available) |
Pull down menu option or mouse click on the short record list field name bar to sort A/D |
RM: Setting permanent option (Change Database Sort Order) or mouse click on the short record list field name bar to sort temporarily |
Papyrus: button choice on the database main window (All References) |
11.5 How to sort for printing | ||||
LM: sort order file to be connected with style files | Pr: ready made options from pull down menu | En: sort selected records or the whole db (the active style is not taken into account) to export; the sort specifications within the style will only be used for manuscript's in-text citations and bibliography list; | RM: from the database reference list it uses the sort order of the selected list of records; for the manuscript bibliography list and in-text citations it uses the style's specifications that can also be altered on the fly from within the CWYW function (see 13 Manuscript formatting) | Papyrus: within the style |
11.6 Database sort is kept over sessions |
LM: yes, but not the clicking on the bar-one (sorted snapshot) | Pr: yes | En: yes | RM: yes, but not the temporary --clicking on the bar-- one | Papyrus: yes |
11.7 Sort key length can be defined |
LM: no (apart from indexed fields whose length has to be defined by the user) | Pr: no | En: no | RM: no | Papyrus: no |
11.8 Sort for printing belongs to output styles |
LM: yes, but can be altered on the fly | Pr: yes, but can be altered on the fly | En: no, as long as the Print or Export functions are concerned : they use the db sort; yes as far as the manuscript formatting is concerned: cannot be altered on the fly | RM: yes, and cannot be altered on the fly | Papyrus: yes, but can be altered on the fly |
11.9 Sort
records in output using: |
LM: 2 within an indexed report; 4 part of a date; 5 | Pr: 2 (names); 4 (custom sort, options for: surname only, year only); 5 | En: 2 (option for first author); 5 | RM: 2=4 only first author when sorting on the reference list (not documented); 6 more (the whole authors field) when sorting the manuscript bibliography list | Papyrus: 2 or words when from a word-indexed field; 5 |
11.10 Can alter the sort value of a string |
LM: no, can only ignore leading stopwords (1 list; punctuation marks cannot be ignored: bad titles sort) | Pr: no, only leading stopwords (2 lists : authors, generic) | En: no, only leading stopwords (2 lists : authors, titles) | RM: no, (stopwords not available: bad titles sort) | Papyrus: yes for names that can individually have their sort value + ñ = oe et sim.; built-in stopwords for leading English, French, German articles are out of reach |
11.11 Conditional commands available for sorting |
LM: if first field absent then either an alternate one or a text --see also subject bibliography made by using Format | Pr: no (only custom: if field absent then either first or last) | En: no, but embedded in options for authors and anonymous works | RM: no | Papyrus: no, automatic: if field absent then sorted first |
11.12 Sort keys derived from different fields |
LM: when keys are headings ("subject bibliography") within the Format | Pr: only authors, titles, date; when keys are headings ("subject bibliography") any key (single keys can even be selected on the fly) |
En: no | RM: no | Papyrus: no |
11.13 Ignore initial articles and punctuation marks |
LM: articles and words yes, thanks to a customizable list; leading punctuation marks
are anyhow retained and confound the sorting
Stopword in beginning position can be preserved if followed by hard space (Ctrl-Space) | Pr: yes, thanks to
customizable stopword files: two lists belonging to each
database: 1 general (corporate names included) 2 personal
authors Stopwords cannot be disactivated: must be emptied. Stopword in beginning position can be preserved if followed by hard space (Ctrl-Shift-space) |
En: leading a an the
and punctuation always excluded + two customizable stopword files belonging to each
database: 1 authors (corporate names included); 2 titles
Stopwords cannot be disactivated: must be emptied |
RM: no (does not have sort stopwords list) | Papyrus: built-in list of leading English, French, German articles that are automatically skipped; also leading punctuation marks are skipped |
11.15 Other |
LM: sort files or default pattern can set also: use of non-indexed fields, A/D order, sort according to RT, ignore leading words, ignore case and accents, replace first field if empty with another field or text | Pr: Custom sort lets also choose between: empty fields first or last; all authors or only first; full name vs surname; full date vs year | En: special provisions for anonymous works and for edited works after original works by the same author | RM: can sort kw within the kw field | Papyrus: as noted, names may have 2 forms: display and sort, e.g. de Durfort, Béatrice can be sorted as Durfort, Béatrice |
11.16 Sort can produce headings above sorted records (so called : "subject bibliography", indexed report) |
Library Master | Procite | EndNote | Reference Manager | Papyrus |
LM: yes, also headings only, without records | Pr: yes, also headings only, without records | En: no | RM: no | Papyrus: yes, also headings only, without records |
11.16.1 Sort keys are another item from headings (i.e. sort on A, display B), thus can match or be different |
LM: yes | Pr: no, they are just the same thing | En: n.a. | RM: n.a. | Papyrus: no --apart from names, see above-- they are just the same thing |
11.16.2 Headings might not be displayed within records |
LM: yes | Pr: yes | En: n.a. | RM: n.a. | Papyrus: yes |
11.16.3 More than one level of sort key as headings |
LM: no, only one, though headings
can come from n fields at once
the producer -Balboa Software- clarifies that two levels headings are possible [quoting] "Using a 'field different' conditional command in the Format File to display the second sort field at the top of a group of records. This works best on a non-list field for the second sort field". So you could create a subject bibliography with records grouped under each subject by author or date" . |
Pr: no, only one, though headings can come from n fields at once | En: n.a. | RM: n.a. | Papyrus: no, only one, from just one field |
11.16.4 Sort of records under the same sort key |
LM: ruled by any specified print sort file | Pr: ruled by the print sort order | En: n.a. | RM: n.a. | Papyrus: authors; year; RN or RefID |
11.16.5 Sort
occurrences of a repeatable field as headings |
LM: 1; 2 (use the "field different" conditional command in the Format File) |
Pr: 1; 2 names kw and any entry separated by //, /, <CR>, <Line Feed> | En: n.a. | RM: n.a. | Papyrus: 2; if headings come from a word-by-word indexed field, headings will be single words and not the whole field |
11.16.6 Records are referenced more than once by different sort headings |
LM: yes, records are fully printed each time (no "light indexes" with cross references) | Pr: yes, records are fully printed each time (no "light indexes" with cross references) | En: n.a. | RM: n.a. | Papyrus: yes, records are fully printed each time (no "light indexes" with cross references) |
11.16.7 Sort headings can be formatted |
LM: yes, bold, underline, italics, capitalization, super/sub-script | Pr: yes, bold, underline, italics, uppercase | En: n.a. | RM: n.a. | Papyrus: no (always bold) |
11.16.8 Can produce indexes referencing records in the database by a short element (e.g. RN) |
LM: yes | Pr: yes | En: n.a. | RM: no | Papyrus: yes (also single words, if from field indexed in free-text or title mode) |
Legend | |
Multiple choice when choice is multiple (e.g. 1. 2. 3. etc.) number means "yes", its absence means "no: lack of the feature", unless a note states otherwise | Commands menus are indicated between double quotes, specific commands within menus or selection panels are introduced by an arrow, e.g. "Edit" -> Show clipboard, means: "open the Edit menu and select Show clipboard" |
A/D = ascending / descending sort order | b/e = beginning / end of field or record |
CDF=Comma Delimited File format | db = database; dbn = database name |
fn.XXX = filename + name extension | FL = formatting language, i.e.: set of commands to define output styles |
n: many, undefinite quantity | kw = keyword |
l/r = left/right | n.a. = not applicable |
RefID = record, or reference, identifier | RN = record number |
RT = reference, or document, or record type | sw = software |
wp = word processor | x-refs = cross reference (e.g.: see, see also...) |
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