EndNote |
EndNoteWeb (web based) |
EndNote |
EndNoteWeb |
![General](../wit-icons/images/endnotelogo.gif) |
![General](../wit-icons/images/endnoteweb.gif) |
![General](../wit-icons/images/endnotelogo.gif) |
![General](../wit-icons/images/endnoteweb.gif) |
1 - General size limitations
1. Number of databases that can be created
2. Number of databases that can be simultaneously opened
3. Number of records per database (>= 100.000)
4. Number of characters per record
5. Number of characters per field
n.b. Apart from issue no. 2, size tends to be practically unlimited, therefore only serious limitations are given here
1-2: unlimited number of database, but they cannot be searched simultaneously;
3: 300.000 records per database is the advised size |
EW: 1 only one db per account; but unlimited accounts per site licence and (with valid e-mail) per person ; 2 it depends on how many logins are available and on the
open web sessions 3 10.000 |
2 - Available functions: summary
1. Search
2. Remote search (Z39.50, PubMed)
3. Print
4. Export
5. Sort
6. Input/Cataloguing
7. Global corrections
8. Import
9. Reformatting during import
10. Input via catching www html pages
11. Manuscript formatting (also from within the wp)
12. Managing term lists
13. Thesaurus
14. Duplicates detection
15. Items Circulation (Loans)
16. Can activate external files and applications (attachments via OLE or OS' Shell)
17. Compute
18. Graphic files management
19. Publishing database on Internet
20. RSS a) receive; b) send
[21. Data visualization]
22. OpenURL data source
23. Other
Available functions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
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En: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 16 (18)
For mobile devices functionality see Identity card;
16: can attach up to 45 files per record in dedicated field: like spreadsheets or presentations documents, images, PDF files, other type of files etc.;
18: can include only 1 graphic file within each reference in the Figure field: shown as a thumbnail when record is opened in Edit mode not in the brief list or formatted preview; graphics will be referred
to in MS-WORD formatted manuscript also containing dedicated list of figures; there is option to physically copy graphics and attached files to a [dbn].Data subdirectory so that they can be moved together along with
references without broken links;
19 : via EndNoteWeb account, see Database available via WWW
22: can generate OpenURL compliant metadata from an opened record to the chosen OpenURL Resolver host server for reference linking, can also change the arguments, i.e. the kind of metadata sent to the
23: can send data to and receive from (exchange up to 10.000 refs) EndNote Web;
from a db record can try to find in the Internet, download, and automatically attach full-text pdf files along with core bibliographic metadata; from each record can search relevant full-text in the
Internet, download it and attach it to the record |
EW: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 : 'Capture' function in the browser's plug-in; 11 : MS-Word only, 16 only URLs,
18 : can import video from YouTube and show them ready to play (FLV flash video format);
23 : site Administrator can upload citation styles, import filters, online search connection settings |
3 - Functions across different databases
1. search
2. print
3. global corrections
4. duplicate detection
5. manuscript formatting
En: 5 while formatting a manuscript via CWYW En will search all the open db |
EW: n.a. only one open database per login |
4 - Data type that can handle
1. textual (link to external proprietary files like PDF ...)
2. numeric
3. graphic
4. audio
5. video
En: 1, yes; can link -also by drag and drop- to PDF and URL in two specific fields, but in fact it's up to you what to put in those fields: .txt .doc .gif .rtf .htm... and whatsoever; can
automatically copy PDF and other attached files to a data subfolder so that their address becomes relative and they can travel with the main record database
3: incorporates thumbnails of graphics in the edit record view, not in the formatted preview; graphics can be incorporated in MS-WORD manuscripts; 3 4 and 5 external via Windows Shell |
EW: 1 + attachments + .flv video (that are not downloaded but linked back to and played from within EW) |
5 - Unicode compliance
En: yes, can import, sort, display and enter different scripts (also from right to left: Hebrew, Arabic) based on MS-Windows® Unicode compliance. Nothing really happens within EndNote (nor is one expected
to enter Unicode characters codes like: 00A1): keep all your PC based on your preferred language for your regular activity also within EndNote, load different Windows keyboards and make them available on the Language toolbar, switch to the
desired scripts to enter and search data in your references. Select a Unicode font from within EndNote to display, print, save Unicode characters in the due form |
EW: yes |
6 - Commands: menu, icons, bars, shortcut, macros ...
In general commands -but certainly not all of them- can be given in up to 5 different ways:
1 - (main) menu bar
2 - keyboard shortcuts (when available are shown in the menu bar and cannot be customize or created, apart from Word manuscr. format.)
3 - toolbars (context sensitive)
4 - mouse dx and its contextual menu
5 - mouse drag & drop
[6 - optional command line for Z39.50 queries]
no macros
EW from tabs, combo box and menus: web interface |
Menu and Toolbars examples: offering different command options
menu bar |
![General](../wit-icons/images/menu-bar.jpg) |
library toolbar |
![General](../wit-icons/images/library-toolbar.jpg) |
reference edit window toolbar |
![General](../wit-icons/images/edit-window-toolbar.jpg) |
citation template toolbar |
![General](../wit-icons/images/citation-template-toolbar.jpg) |
7 - Password
1. access to database
2. specific tasks
En: none |
EW: access to the database: yes; specific tasks: special login for Administrator (see Administrator) |
8 - Network version
1. Multi-user network version
2. Functions available : a) all ; b) some according to password privileges
3. One write access vs. many read accesses (read = search, print, manuscript formatting, export)
4. Many write-and-read accesses
5. Read only version
Network version |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
EndNote Web |
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EN: It can work with multiple users, but: no record-locking. Not really a "network version", not promoted by Thomson Reuters. Anyhow, must purchase individual licences for each user. Besides:
mixed versions -Mac & Windows- network can operate. Each individual preferences file is on different users machines |
EW: entirely web based, it is exclusively an Internet application
A. databases and application are entirely web based and can be used on Shibboleth, IP authentication+id-pwd. After that, roaming access is possible for 12 months
B. more than one user can share the same account (login) and access the same database;
-- no record locking, last save is the effective one;
C. within a site license, same person can create different authorized accounts and use different databases;
D. different users are allowed to share groups of records with R/W different rights, which are set by the owner
9 - Documentation
1. Reference manual
2. Tutorial
3. Context-sensitive help screens
- A users' guide does not exist any longer: only Help file (For a complete list of printable EndNote Help topics, look into distribution CD-ROM or go to, more than 400 A4 pages with TOC and index)
- "Getting started" on CD as PDF + Guide Tour printed + video tutorials on CD and online
- not contextual, only very very seldom
EW: online tutorials and online help, mostly not contextual, also with an internal search functionality |
En: some of the locations can be changed from within Preferences, see below (and the screenshot). Locations change according to which Windows Op. you use
- Program Folder:
it contains the EndNote.exe program and more than 10 folders, among which: Connections, Filters, Terms Lists, Spelling Dictionnaries, Templates, Pocket PC; documentation files (Help, License, readme, Getting Started Guide
...) etc.
C:\Program Files\EndNote X4
(or for Win 64 bit ver.: C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X4 )
- Shared Folder:
it contains within an Examples folder a sample library and other libraries ([library-name].enl + attached data ([library-name].Dat) with documents and graphics;
if you use this folder to store your libraries (data files) they will be available to all users on your computer, or you can move them to any other location
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\EndNote
Windows Vista: C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\EndNote
Windows 7: C:\Users\Public\Documents\EndNote
- Personal Folder:
it contains: styles, connections filters folders with new or modified objects.
As soon as you try to save a modified version of a file, En offers you to rename it as "[same name] Copy" and places it here in the relevant folder
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\MyDocuments\EndNote
Windows Vista: C:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\EndNote
Windows 7: C:\Users\[UserName]\Document...
- Preferences:
it contains, among the rest: connect.log; RefTypeTable.xml that stores your reference types with modifications, saved search strategies etc.
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Application Data\EndNote
Windows Vista: C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\EndNote
Windows 7: C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\EndNote
see the figure on the right Folder locations under user's control that can be changed via : Edit | Preferences |
File Locations
EW: n.a. |
Ad es. in Win Vista navigando con Win Explorer si legge
1: program
C:\Program Files\EndNote X4 = .. C:\Programmi\EndNote X4
2: shared
C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\EndNote = .. C:\Utenti\Pubblica\Documenti Pubblici\EndNote
3: personal
C:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\EndNote = .. C:\Utenti\[nome-utente]\Documenti\EndNote
4: preferences
C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\EndNote = .. C:\Utenti\[nome-utente]\AppData\Roaming\EndNote
En: The fastest way is to use the built in compression and copy feature: File | Compressed library (.enlx) which gives you the choice among different options (create/create & Email; with/without
attached documents; all/selected/group references) compresses the library and lets you choose the location for the backup library
Of course you may copy the physical files as they are, via any software utility: you will then save the [library].enl file along with the [library].Data folder
When transferring references from EndNote desktop to an EndNoteWeb database note that the attachments are NOT transferred.
EW: n.a. |
![General](../wit-icons/images/compressed1.jpg) |
EndNote |
EndNoteWeb |
EndNote |
EndNoteWeb |
![General](../wit-icons/images/endnotelogo.gif) |
![General](../wit-icons/images/endnotelogo.gif) |
![General](../wit-icons/images/endnoteweb.gif) |