3. Comparison Grid
          3.3. Input - Edit
 3.3.2. Import 


Bibus EndNoteWeb RefWorks (web based) Procite EndNote Reference Manager
Import Import  Import  Import  Import  Import 

1 -  Different ways of importing data: 
    1.    from RSS feeder 
    2.    filters are ready-made 
    3.    filters can be customized 
    4.    user can define more filters  
    5.    can capture bibl. references from WWW pages (either download data in its own proprietary format and  then import it, or convert it on the fly)  
    6.   other 

Different ways of importing data 1 2 3 4 5 6
Bibus 2 x
EndNote Web x (x) (x) [x]
RefWorks x x x x
ProCite x x x x
EndNote x x x x x
Reference Manager x x x x x
Bibus : 2; [3-4: no, only by programming in Python]; 5: from PubMed: search and conversion on the fly EW: cannot modify filters directly: must do it within EndNote desktop and the Administrator can upload them;
5: a "Capture" feature does exist, as a plug-in for browsers' toolbar: results can be really deceiving with 'local' databases: because they can vary greatly depending on the structure of the Web page; it can capture form YouTube and embed the video ready to play; can import from many web sources automatically

direct import from RSS feeders: transform them into RefWorks records that can import into the database;
yes but filters are  canned and invisible and cannot create more (to create a new filter you must ask and make a suggestion to the producer) ;
can import from many web sources automatically  


Pr: no RSS, yes all the rest (may require separate application program: BiblioLink)

En: no RSS; yes all the rest; as far as XML is concerned it can import only from its own EndNote's XML proprietary format
5: Many data providers offer a direct EndNote export, see at: http://www.endnote.com/endnote_export.asp
6 can import from Traveling library included in a MS-WORD document: because once a bibliographic record is anchored to a MS-WORD document a it is embedded in it, if one handles such a document without the relevant EndNote source db, he can still import those records embedded in the paper into his own db, thus recreating them, except for the Abstract, Notes and the six Custom fields which are never embedded

RM: no RSS; yes all the rest; as far as XML is concerned can import only from RM and EndNote XML proprietary format
6 does not import at all as far as RM Web Publisher is concerned;
can import from Traveling library included in a MS-WORD document: once anchored to a MS-WORD document a bibliographic record is embedded in it, if one handles such a document without the relevant source RefMan db, he can still import those records embedded in the paper into his own db,  thus recreating them except for the Abstract and Notes fields (the 5 Custom fields can be embedded);
can automatically convert ProCite and EndNote files. BookWhere, ISI Current Contents, ISI Web of Science can directly write data to an RM database; directly reads downloaded files from several different hosts

2 - Can import delimited/tabbed structured input ASCII text file 

 [more specific features that could be taken into account: fixed/variable number of fields; fixed/variable fields position in different RTs;  RT can be changed; multiple value fields allowed (e.g. more names in author field ...); fields contents can also spread over different lines; can define field separator; can replace delimiter if embedded in field; can define end of record]
Bibus : no EW: tab delimited, must follow special instructions given by the help RW: no Pr: yes
fixed or variable number of fields ( RT; RN; plus all 45 fields or only workform related); fixed position of fields;RT cannot be changed, must be present as the first field or last used in data entry be assumed by default; multiple value fields allowed, if separated by // / or ; in name field; fields content can spread over more than one line; can define field separator; can replace delimiter if embedded in field contents; can define end-of-record
En: yes
only tabbed -not CDF/CSV- where number of fields and their position can vary. Tab delimited: special first line for reference type and second with fields names labels according to the receiving EndNote RT; no fixed position required; recognizes multiple authors; RT can be changed and multiple value fields are allowed
RM: yes

must use only one destination field defined as "Source" with subfields and its parsing option;  number and position of fields can vary according to the specified RT; more than one RT can be defined;  multiple value fields allowed;  fields content can spread over more than one line; can define field separator; can replace delimiter if embedded in field contents;  can define end-of-record

3 -  Can import ISO 2709 format

Bibus :  no EW: no RW: no Pr: no En: no RM: no

4 -  Can import MARC format file

Bibus : no EW: yes, via Z39.50 from many library catalogs servers RW: yes (pre-defined filters for: DANMARC, MARC21, UNIMARC); filters are also available to import via Z39.50 from MARC records servers such as library catalogs Pr: one has to create its own filter for a tagged MARC format (without leader and directory and each field on a different line), alternatively, download records through Z39.50 online connection and MARC tagged modifiable filters (limited options to handle subfields in names) En:
a) download records through Z39.50 online connection and tagged MARC filters, already made and modifiable (limited options to handle subfields in names)
b) one has to create its own filter for a tagged MARC format (without leader and directory, each field on a different line), then a series of specific options for handling MARC tagged records is provided (e.g. subfields to a limited extent ...);
RM: filters for tagged MARC records are available -others can be created, e.g. for UNIMARC as well- to download and import records through Z39.50 online connection

it is really difficult to deal with embedded subfields codes

5 -  Custom reformatting of tagged input files
  (more specific features that could be taken into account: e.g. condition check ;  change RT ;  merge fields ;  delete/discard fields ;  field content parsing;  add field content, text strings, punctuation;  tolerate fields in variable position; upper/lower case conversion ;  replace text...)

Bibus :  yes, embedded in filters, see above 1.3 EW: yes: filters as offered are canned and certainly perform some of these tasks; to modify them must do it within EndNote desktop and the EW Administrator can upload them;
as per what EndNote desktop can do with filters see here En 

RW: filters are canned and users do not have access to them;
they clearly perform some of these tasks out of user's control
Pr: yes En: yes RM: yes

6 -  Import through embedded Z39.50 online connection
    1 can modify import filters

Bibus : no EW: yes, but cannot modify them directly: must do it within EndNote desktop and the Administrator can upload them RW: yes, can import data, users can create basic connection files;
1: no, you cannot modify filters: make suggestions to the producer to do it
Pr: yes (via incorporated subset of BookWhere® client); 1: yes En: yes, via incorporated proprietary toolkit, Yaz client (IndexData®) based;
1: yes
RM: yes (via incorporated subset of BookWhere® client);
1 yes

7 - Supplied import filters

Bibus :  9

(Refer, EndNote/Refer, EndNote XML, ISI , PubMed, PubMed XML, RIS e BibTeX)

EW: > 670 RW: ca 1090 shipped (cannot create more, see above) Pr: hundreds + others definable via Biblio-Link + direct export from several databases En:  > 770 (100 installed; additional import filters can be installed using the Windows Add/Remove Programs options and the Mac Customizer. Updated and new filters can be downloaded from the producer’s web site ) + can define others with no limitations: each is a separate file embedding a data conversion table that cannot be shared -only copied- with other connection files RM: some 430 shipped (can create more with no limitations, via IFE Import Field Editor)
Bibus EndNoteWeb RefWorks (web based) Procite EndNote Reference Manager
Import Import  Import  Import  Import  Import 
Keywords:  Comma delimited file ; Conversion ; Delimited format ; Import ; ISO 2709 ; MARC ; Reformatting ; Tab delimited file ; Tagged format ; XML ; Z39.50

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