© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 3.5. Input/Edit


Library Master Procite EndNote Reference Manager Papyrus

1 Cataloguing reference standard

LM: none Pr: ANSI Z39.29 (1977) En: none RM: none Papyrus: none

2 How to recall records for editing
    1. list browsing
    2. query search
    3. while editing another record

LM: 1 2 Pr: 1 2 3 (internal buttons for next/previous, first/last of the active set) En: 1 2 3 (next/previous) RM: 1 2 Papyrus: 1 2 3

3 Input must be preceeded by searching

LM: no Pr: no En: no RM: no Papyrus: no

4 Compulsory input within certain fields

LM: optionally yes, user can define fields as mandatory for each database, and also with a unique content Pr: no En: no RM: yes, user can define fields as mandatory depending on RT Papyrus: yes: depending on RT, pre- and user-defined fields can require input and be marked as incomplete if content is missing

5 Particular edit features
   1. copy fields and/or records
   2. symbols table
   3. term lists
   4. date stamping
   5. undo
   6. default values (session and/or permanent)
   7. validation
   8. automatic assignment of values
   9. configure edit window
   10. other

LM: 1 copy records; 3; 4 (and time); 5; 7 (as an option); 8 (record edit/creation date/time) 9; 10 insert external file: text or MS-Word; change case; keep case when capitalizing words in the output; non-breaking spaces; fields can be linked to tables with abbreviations and automatic expand the abbreviation in the full form Pr: 1 (from previously opened record: <Shift-F5> copy record, <F5> copy one field); 2; 3 (direct buttons + other lists); [4 no but today's date can be automatically dumped if Reprint Status field value is "On request"]; 5; 9 (invisible chars, empty fields, field numbers, index buttons...) En: 1 (complete record(s) can be copied in the db short list display: copy/paste); 2 no; 3; 5; 7 marks in red new list terms; 10 can suggest closest list's term (autocompletion); RM: 1 (also Paste special, Copy, Duplicate: see 5.8); 2; 3; 4 no (but today's date is automatically dumped -and modifiable- if Reprint Status field value is "On request"); 5; 7 for index terms; 8 yes, can scan titles, series titles, notes and abstracts to match words in the kw list and add them to the kw field; 9 yes can change field names and order (by dragging); 10 can automatically sort keywords in field; if a field is linked to a term list, can suggest term already present (auto-completion) Papyrus: 1; 2; 3; [4]; 5; 7 (kw ...); 8; 9 (collapse, hide fields); 10 (entering a string in an indexed field with a matching entry causes automatic retrieve of that entry, still editable afterwards)
4 references are automatically date/time stamped for both initial creation/import/transfer and most recent modification: editing a reference "File" -> "Get Info"

6 Spellchecker

LM: no Pr: no

En: yes
(check highlighted text or entire reference), can add/import words and use a different dictionary (18 .TLX files available)

RM: yes (check highlighted text or entire reference), can add/import words and use a different dictionary (.TLX files) Papyrus: yes, uses third-party software; can individually define spell-checking for any -also built-in- field

7 Direct print of a record while editing it

LM: yes, (as long as the open record has been saved) Pr: no En: yes RM: no Papyrus: yes, (as long as the open record has been saved)

8 Duplicate record
    1. drag-and-drop
    2. copy command
    3. clipboard (formatted: can specify style; send out)
    4. export/print on disk (also formatted; send out)

LM: 2; 3; 4 Pr: 1 2 3 4 En: 1 2 3 4 RM: 1 (copy a record and also a portion of a field by dragging); 2 (Duplicate and Paste special can copy from the source record fields selected on the fly; Paste must follow 'copy to clipboard' and will replace the target fields); 3; 4 Papyrus: 1 -also for a portion of a field; 2 3 4

9 Duplicates detection
    1. fixed criterion
    2. criterium can be defined

LM: 2

up to 4 fields to be compared; first 254 chars are considered; first 5 occurrences of a repeatable field; entire first author's name, last name and initials for the others

Pr: 2: can use all fields + special options: surname only, year only En: 2 can use several (>15)fields, exact match or ignore punctuation and spacing RM: 2: can use all fields + special options : last name only for authors, percentage of characters string for tiltes and notes; can check across 15 databases Papyrus: 1: user can choose among two fixed criteria: loose and tight

10 Editor
    1. upper/lowercase conversion
    2. cut/paste text
    3. b/e record
    4. b/e field
    5. key to delete to end-of-field

LM: 1 2 4 Pr: field editor; 2 4 En: field editor; 2 4 RM: field editor; 2 3 4 Papyrus: field editor; 2 3 4

11 Font editing: font, size, bold, italics, underline, super/subscript, small caps

LM: yes, all but no small Pr: yes, all but no small caps En: yes, all but no small caps (small caps are available only in output styles for author names) Despite display preview, this style specification does not seem to affect printed (subject) bibliographies but only wp formatted manuscripts RM: yes, all, also Greek; but no small caps Papyrus: yes, all

12 Global corrections
    1. add string (b/e)
    2. locate/replace (words, case)
    3. delete entire field content
    4. move field content
    5. change record type
    6. can use wildcard

LM: 1 2 3 5 6 (you can accomplish 4 via another function : Merging records from different databases)

3 You can search for * and replace with nothing to delete the field entry of all records or search for a specific field contents and delete it

Pr: 1 2 3 4 5 En: 1 2 3 4 5 RM:1 no (but can add entire field content); 2 also a) on any, cluster or individual fields; b) across 15 different databases; 3; 4; 6 use * as suffix for any character in editing list terms across records via Term Manager (does not work to delete periodical names), "Match word" and "Match case" options for non-indexed fields Papyrus: 1 2 3 4
(can ask to confirm each replacement and to adopt target's case)

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© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 10/42