© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 3.15. Network version

Network version    not tested, only from documentation

Library Master Procite EndNote Reference Manager Papyrus

Network version   

   1. Multi-user network version
   2. Functions available : a) all ; b) some on selected basis
   3. One write access vs. many read accesses (read = search, print, manuscript formatting)
   4. Many write-and-read accesses
   5. Read only version

1, 2 a) b) passwords for specific tasks, 4, 5 when database is password protected. True network version. 3, 5
No record-locking. Not really a "network version"
Besides: mixed versions network: (Macintosh & Windows) Individual preferences file on different users machines
No record-locking. Not really a "network version". Anyhow, must purchase individual licences for each user
1 2 4
True network version. Many read-and-write accesses. Functions like : global edit, field and reference type edit are reserved to only one user whilst others can just read the database. Read-only mode is a kind of right access that can be set by administrator for one or more, or none of the users
4   6
No record-locking. Not really a "network version"

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© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 20/42