© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 2. Webgraphy: Internet ressources on BFS

Web References on personal bibliographic software

last partial update: March 2004

I am providing here references to web resources on bibliography formatting (i.e. BFS) or so-called personal bibliography managers.

When I started collecting them, I was searching for resources that would provide explanation about what this kind of software is useful for, that would describe its main features, outline the differences from other similar software families, describe specific features of the packages and analyze their performances. As a matter of fact, many of the web pages that I have gathered are made up of lists of products and of links to software producers' pages.

As for producers' sites, I am giving the very essential reference. There is much more right there at their sites and it is continuously updated.
Thereby one can find a rich amount of information (though understandably biased) and physical resources related to: company, products, prices, demos, general overviews and screen-shots, versions, upgrades, FAQs, import filters, output styles, discussion list, bibliography, companion software, reviews, press releases ...

I have tried to include sites concerning : reviews and overviews, comparison grids, survey results, general information and advice, individual software products information.

At the same time, I have tried not to include: dealers' pages; e-mail discussion forums devoted to one product; pages mentioning the topic only because it is a subject of an academic program of studies; threads in e-forums; pages only containing specific instructions to download data from bibliographic databases and/or local library OPACs to the software package adopted by the institution supporting the site --because of the success and diffusion of this kind of software, there is an ever increasing number of them. For all that I have provided just a very few samples at the end of this list under the "not covered category (sample)" "category".

Since the compilation of this list, Summer 1999, many sites have, increasingly, become -at least for me- unavailable, no longer accessible : I am still listing them, separately.

In any case, the date of the last visite to thr web site is indicated and it might explain why a resource is not presently available bust still listed.

Sections of the webgraphy



00 E-mail discussion lists (1)

Archives of BIBSOFT@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU Discussion of Software for Citations and Bibliographies
Updated: Continuously -- Last visited: Nov./13/2001
To subscribe send a message "suscribe BIBSOFT your name" to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU. Mirror site at: http://link.tsl.state.tx.us/j/journals/zb/zbibsoft/.

01 E-Journals (2)

Biblio Tech Review : News, Analysis and Comment / Peter Evans (editor)
Updated: Continuously -- Last visited: Nov./13/2001
Online serial that includes sections on IOLS, BFS and reformatting software with news, reviews and comparative tables.
ISSN 1463-7146

Information Research : an Electronic Journal / Published by Prof. Tom Wilson (Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield)
Updated: Continuously -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Online quarterly journal with news and reviews also covering BFS, e.g. EndNote at: http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/sofrev11/sofrev11.html.
ISSN 1368-1613

02 General (57)

4 Bibliography Management / Carol Cooper
Updated: Jan./30/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
Chapter 4 of the eBook "Making IT Work: The Internet & IT for busy students" UWIC Press.

Bibliographic Database Management Shareware for Windows Users / Kurt F. Wendt Library - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Updated: 19?? -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
"This section contains selected bibliographic database management shareware for Windows users. It includes links to sites where users can FTP the shareware and links to creator's home page, when available. Additionally, there is a brief summary of each software's features, with detailed instructions for some shareware".

Updated: Apr./23/2001 -- Last visited: Jan./4/2002

Bibliographic Management Software
Updated: Feb./9/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
The shortest reference you could expect to find, as part of "Module 3 - Information Navigator" belonging to "Internet Navigator": a Web delivered information literacy course that teaches basic research techniques using libraries and the Internet.

Bibliographic Management Software / UNSW University of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia
Updated: Sept./11/2003 -- Last visited: Sept./11/2003
Links to other web resources on BFS.

Bibliographic Management Systems / Informationsvermittlungsstelle fŸr die Forschungseinrichtungen der Bio.-Med. Sektion der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and I. Overkamp
Updated: Aug./10/2002 -- Last visited: Jan./13/2003
Brief general description plus evaluation of Reference Manager 9.5, EndNote 5 (in English and German).

Bibliographic Reference Managers / University of California, Davis- Carlson Health Sciences Library
Updated: Mar./4/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
Evaluation grid comparing Windows packages: Reference Manager 9, ProCite 5, EndNote 4.

Bibliographic Software / Steve Osborne
Updated: Mar./24/2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Large resource site with long list -in table form- of products and links to web resources and to analogous web pages.

Bibliographic Software / Wabash Center
Updated: June/13/2000 -- Last visited: Oct./29/2001
Introductory page with links and short description for BFS resources.

Bibliographic Software / CHEST
Updated: Dec./11/2001 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Scanty table presentation of a few products.

Bibliographic Software : Reference Manager, EndNote & RefWorks / University of Toronto Libraries
Updated: Nov./25/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
One page, brief notes, links also leading to their RefWorks guide.

Bibliographiesysteme Und Persšnliche Informationssysteme / Berliner Arbeits-Kreis
Updated: Nov./3/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
One page offering presentation of bibliography software products with links, in German.

Bibliography (BibTeX) Tools / Dana Jacobsen
Updated: Mar./23/1995 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
List of tools especially designed for working with BibTeX.

Bibliography-Building Software Eases A 'Cruel' Task / Franklin Hoke
Updated: Jan./11/1993 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Online version of an article published in "The Scientist", Vol:7, #1, January 11, 1993.

Bibliography Management Software Evaluation / Valerie L. Reid (Henry Ford Hospital, Sladen Library)
Updated: Dec./1997 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
"This is a review of the available bibliographic management software packages with accompanying recommendations. The evaluation was conducted between September and November 1997, and the final report was submitted in December 1997". Sections: Objectives, Research, Comparison of the programs, Recommendations, Bibliography.

Bibliography Software / Dana Jacobsen
Updated: Jan./17/1995 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Mostly links to web resources and tools for BibDB BibTex, converters etc. One of the worldwide most cited resource on the topic; apparently no longer updated.

Bibliography Software / Matthias Winterhager (UniversitŠt Bielefeld, IWT Institut fŸr Wissenschafts und Technikforschung)
Updated: Mar./20/2000 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
Links to BFS programs' pages and other web resources.

Bibliography Software / Tayside and Fife Information Shills Network
Updated: 19?? -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Introductory page with links.

Bibliography Software : Your Guide to Bibliography Software on the Web
Updated: Jan./16/2004 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
One reference source page devoted to BFS with links and short notes.

Bobbi's Place: Education, Online Ed, Writing Center, Bibliographic Research Tools / Bobbi A. Kerlin
Updated: 200? -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
One page bearing linked addresses to bibliographic research tools with brief explanatory notes.

Chorus : Exploring New Media in the Arts and Humanities / Todd Blayone (founding editor) and The College Writing Program, University of California, Berkeley (sponsor)
Updated: May/1999 -- Last visited: Aug./21/2002
Section devoted to Electronic Research (http://www-writing.berkeley.edu/chorus/eresearch/index.html) edited by John Norman. Reviews, comparison grids, tables, links, list of known BFS and more general notes.

Cibbarelli's Surveys User Ratings of Bibliographic Citation Management Software / Pamela Cibbarelli
Updated: Mar./29/1995 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Users rate EndNote, NotaBene IBID, Library Master, Papyrus, ProCite, Reference Manager; survey article originally published in "Computers in libraries",15, 4(Apr. 1995), p. 25-38.

Citation Management Software (ProCite, EndNote, Reference Manager)
Updated: Sept./9/2000 -- Last visited: Jan./4/2002
Short support page to the three products.

Comparing Citation Management Software / UCLA Biomed Library (Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library)
Updated: Oct./23/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Comparison grid about EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager.

CTICH Brief Guide to Bibliographical Software / University of Glasgow, CTICH-The Computer Teaching Initiative Centre for History, Archaeology and Art History
Updated: June/29/1998 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
General introduction and overview, presentation of 3 BFS packages : Citation 7, EndNote, Reference Manager.

Documentation Et Informatique Documentaire / Institut des sciences de l'homme
Updated: Nov./16/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
Web references on: metadata, Dublin Core, Z39.50, Unicode, bibliography management software with special regard to EndNote.

Downloading Bibliographic References / Biomedical Libraries of Dartmouth College
Updated: Nov./9/2001 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Brief presentation of EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager and FileMaker-Pro with special regard to downloading bibliographic data from a variety of sources and converting them in format suitable to those packages.

Evaluation of Reference Management Software (Comparing Papyrus With ProCite, Reference Manager, Idealist, Endnote, GetARef, Citation 7) / Maggie Shapland (University of Bristol)
Updated: Mar./6/1998 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Review article comparing the packages mentioned in the title, with evaluation grids and comments. Modified May 1999 concerning Reference manager network licencing.

Evaluation of Reference Management Software on Nt : Comparing Papyrus With ProCite, Reference Manager, Endnote, Citation, GetARef, Biblioscape, Library Master, Bibliographica, Scribe, Refs / Maggie Shapland (University of Bristol)
Updated: July/28/1999 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Follow up of the evaluation work published on the web on March 1998. Comparison grids an discursive comments. New features and programs added, more recent versions considered. Modified until Apr 2001 with details about Biblioscape upgrade .

Gestores Personales De Bases De Datos Bibliogr‡ficas : Manejando Referencias / Rafael Bravo Toledo
Updated: July/30/1999 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
General overview and presentation of Papyrus, ProCite, Reference Manager, EndNote. Published in: "Information World" (in Spanish), n. 48, Oct. 1996. Many links to products and web resources.

Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 / Michael Fraser, Sarah Porter, Sophie Clarke (eds.), and CTI Textual Studies (Oxford)
Updated: Mar./27/1998 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
One section of the guide covers BFS products like: Citation 7, Library Master, Papyrus, EndNote, Reference Manager: http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/resguide/resources/r105.html.

A (La)Tex Encyclopaedia / Loria: Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications
Updated: Jan./18/2001 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
French page in English with long list of addresses relating mostly to BibTeX.

Logiciels Bibliographiques / Paris Sandrine Royer = (Institut Pasteur
Updated: Dec./24/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./15/2004
Page (in French or in English) with web literature references, with a complete guide to EndNote Macintosh version 7.

Making the Online Connection With Bibliographic-Database Software / Franklin Hoke
Updated: June/27/1994 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Online version of an article published in "The Scientist", Vol. 8, n. 13, p.18, June 27, 1994.

Managing References the Easy Way : Software Aids Reference Organization and Bibliography Creation / Deborah Fitzgerald and Greg Erianne
Updated: Jan./7/2002 -- Last visited: Apr./27/2002
In: The Scientist 16[1]:43, Jan. 7, 2002. Contains an introduction to BFS, plus a short presentation for a series of products done by reusing the original producer's advertisments.

More on Bibliographic Software / The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Updated: May/12/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
Being Part III of a series on bibliographic or citation management software. Part I focused on Reference Manager and Part II on EndNote, both produced by ISI ResearchSoft, published in the online journal: Info-Library, on May 12, 2003.

Open Standards and Software for Bibliographies and Cataloging
Updated: Jan./2004 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
It provides a quick overview of the landscape of open-source bibliographic software: standards, software, links.

Overview of Personal Bibliographic Software / CTI Textual Studies (Oxford)
Updated: Nov./16/1999 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Overview, links, short presentations for 9 packages relating to bibliography management: Biblioscape 3.3; Bookends Plus 5; Bookwhere2000 v.3.0; Citation 7; EndNote 3.0.1; Library Master; Papyrus 7.0; ProCite 4; Reference Web Poster.

Personal Bibliographic and Reference Management Software / University of Waterloo and Carol [Vogt
Updated: Mar./8/2001 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Several pags of introduction and generic description, plus practical information focusing on ProCite EndNote and Reference Manager.

Personal Bibliographic Databases Software : Demonstration and Consultation Service / Andrew Shimp and David Stern
Updated: 1998 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
SCOPA Grant, Final Report: review of EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, AskSam.

Personal Bibliography Software / Douglas Morton
Updated: Feb./11/2003 -- Last visited: Sept./11/2003
Author's notes on the subject, with discursive introduction, many links, bibliography of printed literature and other web resources.

Personal File Management / UMKC University of Missouri Kansas City, School of Medicine
Updated: Mar./1997 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Brief and practical handout on physical management of files (subject arrangement) and bibliographic file management software.

Personal Research Assistants : A Review of 3 Major Personal Bibliographic Management Tools / Peter Evans
Updated: Sept./2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Review article, with comparison grid, of the Windows versions of three packages: Reference Manager 8, EndNote 3, ProCite 4. Published in the online serial: Biblio Tech Review.

Person‡ln’ BibliografickŽ Datab‡ze / Str‡nku vytvorila a udrõuje AdŽla Jarol’mkov‡
Updated: Jan./10/2002 -- Last visited: Apr./27/2002
Also, at http://www.ikem.cz/pracoviste/reditelstvi/uik/vlk/Odkazy/Pbd/pbd.htm, a comparison grid of: End Note, ProCite, Reference Manager, OBD Pro, Citation7, GetARef.

ProCite Resources / gary R. Oliver
Updated: Aug./12/2002 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Resource site's section entirely devoted to ProCite, with references to EndNote.

Program Fšr Hantering Av Bibliografiska Referenser
Updated: 1998 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Chapt. 7 of VŠgar till teknisk vetenskaplig information / by Elisabeth KihlŽn Chalmers (Tekniska Hšgskolas Bibliotek) and Agneta Lantz (Linkšpings universitetsbibliotek). 2. Rev. ed., March 2000.

Reference: Libraries: Library and Information Science: Software
Updated: Last visited: Mar./17/2004
Section of the Mizmoz directory: http://www.mizmoz.com/; also available at: http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Reference/Libraries/Library_and_Information_Science/Technical_Services/Cataloguing/Bibliographic_Utilities/ (http://www.searchbug.com).

Reference Management Links / Tracy Kent and The UK Online User Group
Updated: Jan./4/2004 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
Fairly comprehensive resource.

Reference Management Software / Stephen Francoeur
Updated: Dec./26/2001 -- Last visited: Jan./4/2002
One page rich with links.

Reference Managers / Judy Matthews
Updated: July/29/1999 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Review article on: Bibliographica 6.5 / Leslie Behm; Bookends Plus 5 / Demetrios Ioannides; Bookwhere? 2000 3.0 (beta) / Michael Lorenzen; Citation 7.0 / Tom Volkening ; EndNote 3.0.1 / Michael Simmons ; Papyrus 7.0 / Leslie Behm & Judy Matthews ; ProCite 4.03 / Demetrios Ioannides ; Reference Manager 9.0 (beta) / Demetrios Ioannides. Latest to appear, a bit out of date nevertheless, because -as Matthews reckons: "Reviewing software products is similar to shooting at a moving target". Published in the section "Software Reviews" of "Nature", Vol. 400, no 6743 (29 July 1999).

Reference Resources : Tools / Robert Finn
Updated: 1996? -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Online edition of a printed article originally by the title "Bibliographic Software Adding New Features, Becoming Web Savvy" published in "The Scientist", Vol:10, n.14, p. 18-19 (July 8, 1996).

Review of Personal Bibliographic Systems (ILRT Research Report Number: 1032) / Paul Shabajee (author) and Institute for Learning & Research Technology, University of Bristol
Updated: June/9/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
"This report is a review of personal bibliographic management software and systems ö it provides a fairly comprehensive review of available systems, functionality and issues in personal bibliographic data management". Informative resource, more analysis than links.

. The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers, 6th Ed. (Addison Wesley Longman©)
Updated: 2001 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Companion Website for The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers, 6th. ed. / by Maxine Hairston, John Ruszkiewicz, and Christy Friend; includes section on citation management.

Software Voor Persoonlijke-Documentatiesystemen / Leon Osinski
Updated: 1999 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
In Dutch. Introduction to this family of software outlining its main features. Section 4 of "Databases de Baas".

A Student's Guide to Citing References - Bibliographic Software Packages / Information Services at the University of Birmingham
Updated: Feb./6/1999 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Organized resource with sections on: Introduction; Citing printed resources; Citing electronic resources; Managing your references; Bibliographic software; Software reviews; Bibliographic software packages; Further Reading.

Sue Stigleman's Home Page / Sue Stigleman
Updated: Jan./17/1997 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Home page of one of the gurus of BFS' literature. She published important articles on bibliography formatting software in the "Database" journal. Page not updated, mostly with dead-links.

Using Bibliographic Management Software at UC Davis / University of California, Davis
Updated: Jan./29/2004 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Introduction, tips, links, brief explanatory notes focusing on EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager.

03 Guides (15)

EndNote 3.0 Bibliographic Software / Edith Cowan University Library
Updated: May/19/2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001

EndNote Help Page / Andrew Shimp and Yale University Library. Research Education
Updated: Jan./11/2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001

EndNote : Support and Services for Wageningen UR / Wageningen UR Library
Updated: Jan./28/2004 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
A full resource page with links, all about EndNote, guides, tutorial.

Getting Started With EndNote: An Introduction to EndNote Features and Commands / University of Michigan
Updated: Oct./20/2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Mac version 3.

Getting Started With Procite 3.2 for Windows : A Self Help Workbook / Moira Bent (University of Northumbria at Newcastle)
Updated: Sept./1999 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001

Getting Started With ProCite 4: An Introduction to ProCite Features and Commands / University of Michigan
Updated: Oct./20/2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Version 4.0.3.

Guide to Reference Manager / Text Jytte Emanuelsson
Updated: Nov./16/2001 -- Last visited: Jan./4/2002
Guide to versions 9 and 9.5.

Managing Your References / John Cox and Boole Library -University College Cork
Updated: Oct./29/1999 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Tutorial guide to Reference Manager version 8 .

The Notre Dame EndNote Companion / University of Notre Dame
Updated: June/6/2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001

[ProCite] Course Notes / The University of Warwick
Updated: Nov./1995 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Guide on Windows 3.0 version.

Procite : Guide De Saisie De DonnŽes / Francine Pilon [?] (UniversitŽ du QuŽbec ˆ Hull)
Updated: Mar./2003 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Guide -in French- to entering data into a ProCite database.

Quick Guide : How to Use Reference Manager / University of Virginia Health Science center
Updated: 1998? -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
One-page tutorial.

Reference Manager Tipsheets Windows Version 7 / Frank Davis and University of Wisconsin - Madison, Health Sciences Libraries
Updated: July/15/1998 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001

Using Procite 4 / Ohio State University, Department of Sociology
Updated: 19?? -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Very short "guide".

Using Procite and Bibliolink : An Introduction : A Mini-Guide to the SAFS Network / University of Wales, Bangor
Updated: 1997? -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004

04 Software products (43)

BiblioCite / The Daedalus Group Inc. (Austin TX)
Updated: 2002? -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
"BiblioCite cannot be purchased separately. It is part of a larger suite of writing tools called the Daedalus Integrated Writing Environment (DIWE), which is available for both Windows and Macintosh computers. DIWE is designed for individual and collaborative writing activities in networked computer classrooms. Since DIWE includes much more than a bibliography tool, it is not the best choice for individuals who need only the bibliography component.".

Bibliographix : Personal Publication Planning / Bibliographix GbR
Updated: June/28/2002 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 2 Windows.

Bibliography Builder / Engineering Communication Centre, The University of Toronto
Updated: Aug./19/2002 -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
A free software utility to format wp papers in two documentation styles through a browser.

Biblioscape : Research Information Manager / CG Information
Updated: Aug./13/2002 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 5.2 Windows.

Updated: Dec./12/1996 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
"BibTeX is a program and file format designed by Oren Patashnik and Leslie Lamport in 1985 for the LaTeX document preparation system".

Bookends Plus / Sonny Software
Updated: Aug./7/2002 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 7.2.1 Macintosh.

BookKeeper / Eugene Liu
Updated: July/27/1999 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Shareware Version 1 for Macintosh and Windows.

Bp : a Perl Bibliography Package / Dana Jacobsen
Updated: Jan./2/1007 -- Last visited: Mar./15/2004

Updated: July/30/1999 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
"Citation is a bibliographical conversion program designed to transform data between several different formats including: PSYCH, APA, ABI, Periodicals, MLA, HFS, Chicago Manual of Style, INSPEC, ENGI, GTEC, Refer, and Bibtex".

Citation : Reference and Research Note Management Software / Oberon Development Ltd.
Updated: Continuously -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 8 Windows.

Citation Thread 3.0 / Christian Labadie
Updated: Feb./15/2001 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
MS-Windows application: "Citation Thread is an experimental bibliography tool that helps to classify research articles, notes, reviews, book reviews, etc. published in periodicals. There is already a plethora of robust bibliography databases to which this program is no replacement. Its purpose is to further process the references obtained from such information resources. The peculiarity of Citation Thread lies in its requirement to be provided with a complete list of the cited references for each article. At the core of the processing, the program tracks cross-cited references and establishes a correlation between articles based on cross-citations.".

EndNote / ISI Researchsoft
Updated: Continuously -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002

GetARef : Reference Management System / Adept Scientific
Updated: Dec./29/2001 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 4 Windows.

Groff (GNU Troff)
Updated: 20?? -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
GNU software: "The groff (GNU Troff) software is a typesetting package which reads plain text mixed with formatting commands and produces formatted output".

Hot Reference : Organize and Format Bibliographies
Updated: 200? -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Free personal bibliographic manager on the Internet, it is both a personal bibliographic manager with access to a public reference database and a forum for the academic community intended to criticize published scientific works. It was developed Brazil, in Physics Institute of University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos.

Ibidem : Bibliographic Database Manager / NotaBene
Updated: 2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
see also Ibid. Plus : http://www.notabene.com/brochure/ibidplus.html.

Updated: Last visited: Mar./18/2004
"InterBib is one such service. It provides three facilities: conversion of bibliographies among different formats, the processing of documents to include bibliographies, and the collaborative accumulation of bibliographies that can be searched. Currently, conversion is provided from BibTeX and Refer to nicely formatted HTML and MIF (the Framemaker common format), and to bibliographies in Refer or BibTeX formats." InterBib is part of the Stanford Digital Library Project(SIDL).

Library Master / Balboa Software
Updated: Continuously -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 4.12 Windows.

Liman Literatur-Manager
Updated: 2002 -- Last visited: Aug./27/2002
Version Windows 2.7.

LiteRat : Die Wissenschaftliche Literaturverwaltung
Updated: July/1/2000 -- Last visited: Aug./27/2002
"LiteRat is a scientific literature keeping database program which is specifically designed for students and teachers. The program is freeware and can be downloaded from this homepage. (English version coming fall 2000)". Freeware Version 1.05a.

MLA Auto-Generator / Patrick Do
Updated: Dec./2003 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Free software that generates correctly formated MLA, APA, Chicago, CPE, Turabian) entries for works cited or bibliography pages.

Updated: 2004 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Part of the NoodleTools family, "NoodleBib is an online tool that simplifies the process of creating and editing MLA and APA-style source lists. Learn more about the software by taking a short tour. NoodleBib is one of several interactive tools at NoodleTools designed to aid students and professionals with their online research.".

OBAS : Online Bibliography Assistant / Derick van Heerden
Updated: Mar./22/2000 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2001
"OBAS is a research tool for maintaining bibliographical databases. It provides a web based interface to a database of bibliographical records which can be queried and the results displayed either as HTML, or in plain ASCII, formatted as BibTeX entries or according to the APA citation style for use in an editor or word processor. OBAS is free software. It is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence". Linux (Gebian/GNU 2.1).

Obd-Pro, Personal Bibliographic Database
Updated: 2001 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004

Papyrus / Research Software Design
Updated: Nov./9/2001 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Version 8.0.10 Macintosh; 7.0.16c DOS.

Paradise : Literatur- Und Dokumentenverwaltung / Ulrich Winkler
Updated: 2002 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002-
Version 7.02 Windows.

PowerRef / ChemInnovation Software Inc.
Updated: 19?? -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version Windows .

ProCite / ISI Researchsoft
Updated: Continuously -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 5 Windows and Macintosh.

Refas - The Reference Assistant / CrazySquirrel Complete Solutions
Updated: 2002? -- Last visited: Mar./17/2004
Multi-platform, on any operating system.

Updated: Feb./25/2003 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
"RefDB is a reference database and bibliography tool for SGML, XML, and LaTeX/BibTeX documents. It allows users to share databases over a network. It is lightweight and portable to basically all platforms with a decent C compiler. And it's released under the GNU General Public License. RefDB is currently known to build and run out of the tarball on at least these platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris (using gcc), OSX/Darwin, Windows+Cygwin".

Reference Manager / ISI Researchsoft
Updated: Continuously -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 9.5 Windows.

RefMaker 32
Updated: 19?? -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
"RefMaker 32 is a bibliographic software packages, which can help you to create, store, search, edit your own bibliographic database, and automatically create a standard references list ... developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 and Microsoft Access, fully compatible with Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office".

Refs / Tim Cutts
Updated: 19?? -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Shareware Version 7.8 Windows.

RefWorks : Your Personal Online Database And Bibliography Creator
Updated: 2004 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Users can "create their own personal database by importing references from online databases. They can use these references in writing their papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds. As a web-based product, RefWorks is available to users across various platforms including Windows, Mac, Unix, etc.".

Resource Mate : The Solution to Cataloging, Searching and Circulating Your Library / Jaywil Software Development Inc.
Updated: 2004 -- Last visited: Mar./15/2004
"ResourceMate¨ 2.0 is Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2000/XP Resource Library Software designed for Churches, Clergy, Synagogues, Professionals, Corporations, Private Schools, Non-profit organizations and more. It features full cataloging, searching and circulating...".

Scholar's Aid 2000 / Scholar's Aid Inc.
Updated: June/8/2002 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version Windows.

Scribe / Scribe SA
Updated: Aug./18/2002 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version Windows: Collection Manager (SCM) and Reference Formatting (SRF) (APA, MLA, ISO 690 compliant).

SIXPACK - Bibliography and Reference Manager / Originally by Sixten Boeck and Andre Merzky, Modified by Michael Lachmann
Updated: Mar./6/2000 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Requirements: Perl, Perl/Tk; can work on Linux, Solaris and MS-Windows; SIXPACK is a free BibTeX and Reference Manager designed to edit, convert and manage reference files search and sort bibliographies import and export many different bibliography types. It ues the perl package bp by Dana Jacobson to covert between formats.

SquareNote / SQN Inc.
Updated: June/2/2002 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 4.1 Windows.

VCH Biblio / Chemical Concepts, (a Wiley Company)
Updated: 2000 -- Last visited: Aug./19/2002
Version 32 bit ed. Windows.

WebStasher / Flexity technologies
Updated: 2004 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Web tool to cite online information. It hooks MS-Internet Explorer up to a database designed to store information from the Web.

WriteNote : Your Web-Based Research and Writing Tool / Thomson ISI ResearchSoft
Updated: Jan./15/2004 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Web-based service that "integrates with library resources to help researchers organize references and write papers. Whether at the library or elsewhere, users can: Discover and use online library resources. Collect and organize references in a personal library . Format paper with footnotes or a bibliography in hundreds of publishing styles".

ZNote : Bibliography Management Tool
Updated: Dec./17/2002 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
" ... a web-based bibliography-management tool built with Zope [ the open source web application server ] and XML. zNote is intended to ultimately be a replacement for tools like EndNote, ProCite, and to a certain extent, bibTeX. It uses a hierarchical XML data format which is more flexible than flat data, and it works using a set of pretty simple DOM calls to format, edit, etc. zNote is currently at version 0.6.2. It is now a complete, functioning Python-classed product.".

04 Software products - Companion (7)

BibStuff - Bibliographic Record Manipulation Software / University of Wisconsin-Madison The Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center
Updated: Nov./12/2001 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
"The BibStuff distribution contains a number of utilities for searching through refer-format bibliographic records".

BookWhere / SeaChange Corp.
Updated: 2002 -- Last visited: Aug./27/2002
Windows version 4. Z39.50 software client: downloads records and either sends them directly to bibliography managers that are registered to import them (e.g. Library Master) or save in a format suitable for import (e.g. Citation, ProCite etc.).

Data Magician / Folland Software Services
Updated: Mar./31/2000 -- Last visited: Aug./27/2002
Not a BFS or citation manager at all, but an indispensable companion: pure conversion tool to reformat bibliographic data (to and from: ProCite, Library Master, micro CDS/ISIS, USMARC, Inmagic, any tagged and delimited format).

OnCite : a Training Program for ProCite for Windows 3.1 / Systematics Information Systems Pty Limited
Updated: Dec./17/1997 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
OnCite is a self-paced training program for users of ProCite for Windows: it operates as a Windows Help file, with hypertext links between topics.

Reference Miner
Updated: Feb./28/2004 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Companion to Bookends pro 7.xx. It searches the Internet to find and display reference information from PubMed, Amazon (Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Amazon Germany), and the Library of Congress, records can be directly imported into Bookends. Mac application.

Reference Web Poster Product Information / ISI ResearchSoft
Updated: Continuously -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
"With Reference Web Poster you can post databases from Reference Manager, ProCite and EndNote on the Web. Colleagues with a browser can search these databases and import references into their own reference managers".

WebClarity / SeaChange Corp.
Updated: 2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
"WebClarity is Sea Change Corporations' new Web Gateway to information databases. It allows any Web browser to access any Internet based information database that supports the popular Z39.50 access standard".

05 Not covered category (sample) (4)

Procite 4.0 Powerful Reference Database Manager / Franklin Tessler
Updated: Mar./1999 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
Short review article on a single package, published in: "MacWorld online", March 1999.

Reference Manager 9. Version 9.5 / Tom Wilson
Updated: Sept./16/2000 -- Last visited: Mar./18/2004
Product review.

SciFinder 5.0 - SciFinder Scholar 3.0 : Importing Data From SciFinder 5.0 and SciFinder Scholar 3.0 into EndNote V3 or V2, ProCite V4, and Reference Manager V9 / CAS-Chemical Abstracts Service
Updated: Oct./26/2000 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
"As a service to our SciFinder and SciFinder Scholar customers, CAS is providing these files for the purpose of importing SciFinder data into the appropriate third party applications" Interesting and rather unique example of information database provider who cares about personal bibliographic management tools.

Sum: Bibliographical Software in LINGUIST List 5.742 Sun 26 Jun 1994 / John Aske
Updated: June/25/1994 -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
"This is a summary of the replies to my query about bibliographicsoftware on the LINGUIST List (Vol-5-715. Mon 20 Jun 1994. ISSN:1068-4875) plus additional information that I have been able to gather from other sources".

06 Unavailable (18)

Basic Guide to Using ProCite / Garry Hall, Alison Hunter, Ilona Eberle, and The University of Southern Queensland Library
Updated: Feb./1997 -- Last visited: Aug./11/2000

Bibliographical Management and Note-Taking / University of Toronto, CHASS-Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences
No longer supported page. It contained introduction and overview also with presentation of software programs.

Bibliographical Software / HervŽ de Villemeur (CNRS, Rennes)
Updated: May/20/1997 -- Last visited: Aug./11/2000
Links to original web resources on BFS packages.

Bibliography Formatting Software: Bibliography / Carolyn Kotlas (compiler)
Updated: Aug./19/1996 -- Last visited: Aug./11/2000
One page giving information on writings by Sue Stigleman.

Bibliography Managing / Koen Van Aken [Georgia State University. Department of Chemistry]
Updated: Apr./1/2000 -- Last visited: Aug./11/2000
Links to other web resources on BFS packages.

BiblioMacPc / Bernard Lassalle (UniversitŽ des Sciences et Technologie de Lille)
Cannot be retrieved, last attempt: 08/11/2000. Presentation card of a French product.

Biblogic : Reference Database Manager / Steve Champion (Biblogic Computer Services)
Shareware, DOS application no longer supported (personal correspondence with the Author: biblogic@gte.net), see also at: http://home1.gte.net/biblogic/.

FloWeb Bibliography Management Resources / Steve Hilliard (UGA Research Services)
Result of a survey on 4 products (Reference Manager, ProCite, Papyrus, EndNote) conducted through dedicated e-mail discussion lists thanks to subscribers' support.

Guide to IT Resources - Writing and Research Tools / University of Huddersfield
Updated: Apr./6/1997 -- Last visited: Aug./11/2000
Short page with "identity cards" for writing and research tools including BFS like Reference Manager, Papyrus, EndNote etc.

Inputting CD-ROM Records : A Comparison of Bibliographic Software / Thomas J. Walker and P. M. Choate
Updated: 1994? -- Last visited: Aug./11/2000
Online version of an article published in . "BioScience" 44 (1994), p. 269-271, comparing ProCite, Reference Manager, EndNote.

Intermediate Guide to Using ProCite / Garry Hall, Alison Hunter, Ilona Eberle, and The University of Southern Queensland Library

Presentation card of a French product.

Procite Tutorial / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center
Updated: 199? -- Last visited: Aug./11/2000

QuikTag / Simon Robinson
Updated: 1997? -- Last visited: Nov./16/2001
"I have written a Windows program called QuikTag for a scientist (or other entity) who wants to move away from the tedium of arranging references in little (lunch) boxes and numbering (and re-numbering, and re-re-numbering) reference tags in documents (for example, your Ph.D thesis) and creating endless and long winded bibliographies". A reference is still available at: http://chin.icm.ac.cn/structure/quiktag.htm, but with dead links.

Reference '97, Scientific Literature Manager / Jaco Voorham

Reference Manager Class Quick Guide (v. 8) / Health Sciences Library University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Education Programs
Updated: July/1998 -- Last visited: Aug./11/2000
"This is meant as an outline in using this program. It does not replace the more detailed information found in the manual".

Reference Manager V. 9 Tutorial / University of Nebraska Medical Center, McGoogan Library of Medicine
Updated: Mar./2000 -- Last visited: Aug./11/2000

Showbase Products
Updated: Last visited: Nov./16/2001

Table of contents Bibliography Index

© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
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