© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004

 4.17. Documentation

   1. Reference manual
   2. Tutorial
   3. Context-sensitive Help screens
   4. Error messages

Biblioscape Bookends

Biblioscape: 2 Tour available at the Internet developer's web site, and within the online help, 3: actually, the help is the Manual, not really updated to the current version.
Despite the fact that even a traditional, "real", bound printed volume has been published on Biblioscape (quite a unique event in this small software world!), documentation deserves serious improvement: the package is vaste, complex, and articulated  that it would require a better documentation, its lacking makes the user underexploit it or strive with trial and error.

Comprehensive manual, in PDF format; 2 Tutorial, in PDF format; 3. No online help at all


Table of contents Bibliography Index

© F. Dell'Orso, Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template
Last update: May, 6, 2004
p. 40/42