4. Legend


Multiple choice when choice is multiple (e.g. 1. 2. 3. etc.) number means "yes", its absence means "no: lack of the feature", unless a note states otherwise

Commands menus are indicated between double quotes, specific commands within menus or selection panels are introduced by an arrow, e.g. "Edit" -> Show clipboard, means: "open the Edit menu and select Show clipboard"

A/D = ascending / descending sort order

b/e = beginning / end of field or record

CDF = Comma Delimited File format

CWYW = "cite-while-you-write" (™Thomson): BFS acting as third party within the wp, searching and inserting citations, directly from the final document into the database; broadly speaking it includes the so-called ISIS's "Add-in" functionality, by extension applied also to similar functionality in other BFSs than ISI's ones

db = database;

dbn = database name

FL = formatting language, i.e.: set of commands to define output styles

fn.XXX = filename + name extension

kw = keyword

l/r = left/right (often used for string truncation in search)

n = many, undefinite quantity

n.a. = not applicable

placeholder: a placeholder is a text string entered in a wordprocessor file within delimiters that will match records in the database, e.g. [Aron, 1997 #252]) 

Record: bibliographic record

RefID = record, or reference, identifier

RN = record number

RT = reference, or document, or record type; a data entry form bearing certain fields and not others to fit the document characteristics 

RTF = (Microsoft) Rich Text Format

sw = software

wp = word processor

x-refs = cross reference (e.g.: see, see also...)

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