19. Legend

Multiple choice = when choice is multiple (e.g. 1. 2. 3. etc.) number means "yes", its absence means "no: lack of the feature", unless a note states otherwise

Commands menus = are indicated between double quotes, specific commands within menus or selection panels are introduced by an arrow, e.g. "Edit" -> Show clipboard, means: "open the Edit menu and select Show clipboard"

A/D = ascending / descending sort order

b/e = beginning / end of field or record

BFS = bibliography formatting software

BMS = bibliography management software

CDF = Comma Delimited File format

CWYW =  "cite-while-you-write" (™Thomson Scientific): BMS installed within the word processor, acting as third party software searching and inserting citations directly from the final text document in and out the bibliographic database. It offers all the functions that let insert, alter, format in-text citations and the final references list

db = database

dbn = database name

FL = formatting language, i.e.: set of commands to define output styles

fn.XXX = filename + name extension

kw = keyword

l/r = left/right (often used for string truncation in search)

n = many, undefinite quantity

n.a. = not applicable

placeholder = a placeholder is a text string entered in a wordprocessor file within delimiters that will match records in the database, e.g. [Aron, 1997 #252] in order to produce in-text citation and the final full References List

Record = bibliographic record

RefID = record, or reference, identifier

RN = record number

RT = reference, or document, or record type; a data entry form bearing certain fields and not others to fit the document characteristics 

RTF = (Microsoft) Rich Text Format

sw = software

wp = word processor

x-refs = cross reference (e.g.: see, see also...)

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