3.16. Internet Intranet

Internet and/or Intranet 
(N.b. this is a recapitulating summary, as almost all the items are covered within their relevant sections)

RefWorks (web based) Procite EndNote Reference Manager
Internet Intranet  Internet Intranet  Internet Intranet  Internet Intranet 

A -  use different browsers 

RW: yes

MS-IE 5.0 or later (Windows only); Netscape 6.0 or later (Windows and Mac); Firefox 1.X or later (Windows and Mac)

Pr: any, can set the favourite via external setbrows.exe   En: any   RM: any  (will use the default)  

B -   automatically import/capture bib. records displayed on WWW pages, either grasp or export (see: Import A 6-7)

RW: yes
by nature is a web based product; can also send and receive RSS messages
Pr: yes  En: yes RM: yes

C -  automatically import/capture a WWW page transforming into a bib record

RW: yes (via RefGrab-It plugin) Pr: yes (Netscape, Internet Explorer Mosaic): special function that catches title tag + text and transforms it into an editable record En: no RM: no

D -  launch URL from within a record

RW: yes and any external file (e.g. PDF, images, etc.) Pr:  URL and any external file (e.g. PDF, images, etc.)
En:  URL and any external file (e.g. PDF, images, etc.)
RM: URL and any external file (e.g. PDF, images, etc.)

E -   print HTML output (e.g. links are active ...) 

RW: yes, links are active Pr: yes,  basic, and URLs are active links that can be opened En:  URLs are active links that can be activated in saved (exported/printed) files.
In Manuscript formatting (see dedicated section) URLs included in references formatted as bibliography within MS-Word documents (not Corel WP documents nor scanned RTF files) are active. Documents saved as html will retain the link as active
RM: Basic: title and body tags. URLs are automatically active links when output is saved as an HTML file;

F -   post databases dynamically searchable to the WWW  (see dedicated page: Database via www (Internet - Intranet)

RW: yes, via RefShare function (see also: Database via www and Network version)

Pr:  no
there used to be a companion ISI ResearchSoft software product called Reference Web Poster to post (RefMan, ProCite, EndNote) databases to the www. I have never tested it myself and it is considered fairly outdated, ISI ResearchSoft does not actively sell or promote it

En: no
there used to be a companion ISI ResearchSoft software product called Reference Web Poster to post (RefMan, ProCite, EndNote) databases to the www. I have never tested it myself and it is considered fairly outdated, ISI ResearchSoft does not sell or promote it

RM: yes

G -   has got record type(s) specific to electronic resources

RW: yes Pr: yes En: yes RM:  yes

H -  Z39.50 searching (see also Z39.50 in Searching)

RW: yes Pr: yes (BookWhere ® embedded) direct, transparent, customizable, conversion to Pr records
En: yes internal proprietary client (based on Yaz®)
RM: BookWhere ® embedded -- direct, transparent, customizable, conversion to RM records
RefWorks (web based) Procite EndNote Reference Manager
Internet Intranet  Internet Intranet  Internet Intranet  Internet Intranet 

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